Saturday, March 9, 2013

Greenpeace Co-Founder, Patrick Moore, on the Current State of Radical Environmentalism

"There is no doubt that the environments of wealthy, developed countries are considerably healthier today than on the first Earth Day. Air and water are cleaner. Human life expectancies are longer. Forests are abundant and growing. Developed countries have wanted improved environments and they have been wealthy enough to afford them......................................................................................But the story is much different elsewhere. Indeed, for much of the rest of the world, conditions are worse than they should be. Ironically, the very movement that made its presence felt in rallies across this country in 1970 and that thrives in the developed world today must shoulder much of the blame for the developing world's sorry state. It is impeding both economic and environmental progress due to an agenda that is anti-development, anti- technology and, in the final analysis, anti-human........................................................................................For example, today's eco-activists boast that they have blocked more than 200 hydroelectric projects in the developing world over the past two decades. It is true that hydro power has a large ecological footprint, creating lakes and filling valleys. But it is a renewable energy that makes it possible to read after the sun goes down, boosting literacy in poor areas. It provides controlled irrigation for better crop yields and mitigates flooding and the loss of life and property damage..........................................................................................Moreover, green groups have zero-tolerance policies when it comes to genetically modified crops. This includes the genetically modified "golden rice" that could help prevent blindness in Asian and African children (as many as 500,000 go blind every year, according to the National Institutes of Health) plus hundreds of millions of others who suffer from vitamin A deficiency. Because of activist opposition to GM crops, it will be at least five years before golden rice can be planted in many parts of the developing world. That means another 2.5 million kids could go blind even though no human or natural risk is associated with planting this crop............................................................................................Indeed, many GM crops such as cotton and corn can make impoverished families wealthy enough to have dignified lives, educate their children and afford clean water and sanitation -- things we in the developed world take for granted. Farmers in Indonesia, China, Brazil, India and the Philippines are now benefiting from this technology with no demonstrable harm. Yet Greenpeace and other environmental groups oppose all GM crops and are succeeding in blocking them in many countries...........................................................................................The fear of GM crops, fed by environmentalist hysteria in Europe and the United States, has prompted a number of African countries, including Zambia and Angola, to ban U.S. food aid because it may contain GM corn. Desperate Africans have broken into government silos to take GM food aid donated by the United States that is being denied them. Yet you can go into any supermarket in these countries and buy Kellogg's corn flakes and hundreds of other prepared foods that contain GM ingredients. There are no restrictions on these foods. The people who can afford to buy them do so; yet the people too poor to purchase their next meal are denied the same foods. These policies border on genocide in the name of environmental concerns, yet environmental groups support them.................................................................................................Or consider that the pesticide DDT has been proven to radically reduce malaria in South Africa, while activist groups such as the World Wildlife Fund push for a total ban on its use. It only needs to be sprayed inside houses, where it poses no threat to the external environment, to make it effective. Despite the ability to stop malaria in its tracks with DDT -- as the United States had already done before its use was prohibited here -- 300 million people will become infected every year and at least 1 million will die, according to the World Health Organization."........................................................................................He doesn't mention it here but Moore has also spoken out against the movement's hard-core anti-mining and anti-chlorine positions. He obviously thinks that those are anti-human, too.


  1. These things remind me of the book written by Ayn Rand, "The Return of the Primitive", all about the anti technology tree hugging environmentalists. And more.

  2. Another quote from Mr. Moore, "Environmental extremists care more about fish eggs than they do about children."............A lot of people have tried to tar Mr. Moore because of his consultant work with the logging and mining industries. Of course what they neglect to inform us is that same advice has actually made their practices a lot more environmentally friendly.

  3. Will: Genetically Modified food sources should be treated with some concern...Yes, there are many potential benefits but just be aware of the potential dangers too. I personally would prefer to eat food that hasn't been monkeyed with but this is becoming more difficult...The subject is extremely contraversal. I don't think this makes me a "radical environmentalist"

  4. You're eating GMO everyday. You just don't know it.

  5. Will: I think we both might agree that the GMO fears are so much luddite paranoia that it is hard to sift through the rants to find valid concerns.

    Anyway, it is all over and has been. Corn, for example: genetically modified by Native Americans for thousands of years. And rest assured, none of them filed environmental impact statements, or had to put up with Jeremy Rifkin.

  6. I mean, I would rather roll the dice on this golder rice and prevent mass starvation and blindness than have to listen to Greenpeace on it.......No, they're not radical.


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