Friday, March 1, 2013

Green With Cruelty

According to the World Health Organization, as many as 1.6 MILLION people die every year due to indoor air pollution. The reason for this horror is that many people in the third world heat their dwellings and cook their food via low quality energy sources such as wood, sawdust, dung, charcoal, and palm oil. If these same people were given access to inexpensive and significantly cleaner oil-based products such as butane and propane, this death-toll would go down astronomically..........................................................................................And you want to know what else would go down? Black carbon emissions would go down, those very same black carbon emissions that end up in the arctic ice-cap and which have done more to melt it than all of the other sources combined (this, according to the Yale Forum on Climate Change and the Media)..................................................................................But, no, let's (from the comfort of a our electrified Nirvana) try and whip a bunch of unworkable situations (things that will never measure up in terms of scale and power density) on the developing world instead and listen to Darryl Hannah. YEAH, that's the ticket!


  1. It's all part of the Liberal-fascist agenda to force their beliefs and their "solutions" on everyone!

  2. Well, they've been pushing electric cars and cellulosic ethanol for over century now. So, yeah, I guess that they do do some of that.

  3. "Pushing" electric cars is about it, Will. That is what you have to do once they go a few miles and the battery dies. Cough.. Tesla... cough.

  4. The plain fact here is that millions of people in Africa, Asia, and Latin America die every year from things such as indoor air pollution, malaria, and malnutrition - things that could largely be eradicated by cheap fossil fuels, pesticides, and genetically modified foods. But because of the influence of the radical environmental lobby, it simply isn't happening and it's an outrage.

  5. Great article by Donald E. Waite, emeritus professor of public health at Michigan State University - Millions of people dead and for no apparent reason other than environmental dogma (yes, there was some resistance to DDT but you don't stop using it altogether and EVEN IF THERE WAS TOTAL RESISTANCE it still acts as a repellent and that also saves lives - duh!).


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