Tuesday, February 5, 2013

The French Academy of Medicine on Exposure to Wind Turbines

"Chronic invasive sound involves neurobiological reactions with an increased frequency of hypertension and cardiovascular disease. The sounds emitted by the blades being low frequency constitutes a permanent health risk to the people exposed to them."............And this doesn't even involve the visual strobing effects, the distraction to drivers, the consistent possibility of blade throw, and the fact that the California Forestry Service has reported that 90% of forest fires are now caused by windmills. Yeah, I definitely want one of these 400 footers in my community, NOT.


  1. I'd be interested in some support for this, aside from anything concerning the the debatable medical findings.

    I did a search on the California fire thing in Google, and yours was the only sight to come up mentioning it.

    Passing cars in a freeway move faster than the blades) so much for the "strobe effect", and sorry, I view "distraction to drivers" as something entirely without worth. The only "distractions to drivers" which cause any danger at all are those in the roadway or threatening to come into a car's path.

    Blade throw does seem like a valid concern, however, there is a relatively small radius around any wind mill in which any possible blade throw can occur; buffer/zoning requirements could easily enforce this. Most of the wind turbine installations I am aware of don't have anyone else's house or property anywhere near this radius.

    Some of this seems like you are clutching at straws.

    Looking for more on the forest fires; that's the meatiest one, and the only one of real substance.

    Besides, what is there to worry about, Will? If you follow my idea and get rid of any special advantage and subsidy to this industry (and let actual need determine how this goes), there'd only be a tiny fraction of these things around compared to what we have now.

  2. And yes you will change my mind, Will, if you can back up the forest fire claim.

  3. 1) Information provided by the developer to the zoning board (Oak Prairie Wind Farm - Illinois) - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T6Q59FnkrY8.............2) Go to youtube and search wind farm (or turbine) and fire. See what you get.............3) http://www.telegraph.co.uk/earth/earthnews/7085086/Wind-farms-can-cause-noise-problems-finds-study.html - more hoaxers?............4) https://www.wind-watch.org/news/2013/02/06/turbine-flicker-noise-at-center-of-kingston-debate/ - in this MA community they put a 480 foot turbine (almost as tall as the Washington Monument) 300 yards from a person's home, gotta be close to 80 decibels and they also talk about the strobe effect.............5) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EfPNsvbcMXk - it's a 12 part series and they aren't all great but #3 with the Professor from Fort Hays State and #4 which discusses the dangers from accidents and fires (and provides the 2002 quote from the CA Forestry Service) are both quite informative.

  4. Will, check into real stats about the causes of forest fires. Turbines don't even show up. Tell you what: If you can show even 9% of fires caused by wind turbines (let alone 90%) I will change my mind. Check real numbers.

    But personally I doubt you could even get 9% if the state mandated attaching flamethrowers to the tips of each of the blades.

  5. So, the fellow from Fort Hays State just made up the CA Forestry Service number?

  6. http://bangordailynews.com/2012/07/30/opinion/forest-and-turbine-fire-questions/ - Of course wind turbines don't cause 90% of forest fires nation-wide (they don't even exist nation-wide) but in THOSE areas that they do exist they are obviously a grave risk from lightning strikes and internal problems and in the California area where the Altamont Wind Farm is located that is what the forestry service is referring to.

  7. You said that they don't build windmills next to houses. I gave you evidence that they built a 480' tower within 300 yards of a residential area in MA.......You wanted evidence on noise. I gave you numbers from the Oak Prairie Wind Farm study which states that these things emit a 42 decibel sound (both mechanical and aerodynamic) from as far away as 1,300 meters.......You wanted evidence on the health effects. I cited a direct quote from the French Academy of Medicine and a link from a British study that utilized 58 independent experts.......You wanted evidence on the fires. I gave you a 2002 quote (provided by a professor from Fort Hays State) from the CA Forestry Service and just now something from Maine.......If you're still not convinced, then you're still not convinced but please don't insinuate that I'm making things up.......Oh, and the dust (that you also doubted existed), that comes from the tens of thousands of tons of concrete and crushed rock that that they have to use to build these suckers AND all of the access roads that they have to build after they chop down a shitload of trees.

  8. So, the fellow from Fort Hays State just made up the CA Forestry Service number?

    Arguing with Liberals sure is exasperating, isn't it?

  9. The Maine one looks substantive, indeed.


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