Monday, February 11, 2013

Sister, Can You Spare a Condom?

According to the Daily Caller (for some strange reason the mainstream media is avoiding this), the Catholic charity, the Little Sisters of the Poor, is strongly considering ending its operations here in America. The issue involved is the healthcare mandate in general and the birth control provisions specifically. Surely, SURELY, my progressive colleagues here will side with the Little Sisters of the Poor over Obama on this (especially since the President has already granted over 1,700 exemptions to unions, etc. AND the fact that there are  numerous clinics already handing out birth-control for free AND the fact that you can still get birth-control for $9 at Walmart and Target). I mean, we are talking frigging nuns here, for Christ.


  1. Brings to mind that lousy excuse for a human being, Sandra Fluke, who went before Congress to beg for a handout. Without this handout, you see, she might only have enough money to buy an average of 23 Starbucks latte's per month instead of 24. Heaven forbid she diminish her luxury expense just a little to pay for something on her own.

  2. If this story ever sees the light of day, fellas', wow, we're looking at some major embarrassment, I think.

  3. "frigging nuns"? Not familiar with
    that group. Do they have a 'habit'?

  4. Russ, Matthews used to be one of the more nonpartisan chaps on cable news (one could even argue that he sided with Republicans at times). I have no idea what happened to him.......BB, I didn't know that about Ms. Fluke. Good for her....I still don't think that she get get her birth control absent even a co-pay, though.

  5. BB: That doesn't excuse a wealthy woman for begging for handouts in Congress.

  6. BB: And yes, I'd have had nothing but praise for her if she had gone before Congress to "[worked] for Sanctuary for Families, which aids victims of domestic violence", instead of to serve her own avarice.

  7. Given the low price of birth control (as pointed out by Will) it's perplexing as to why she would beg for a handout that amounted to so little. The explaination must have something to do with Liberal's entitlement mentality?

  8. Perhaps is boils down to religion.
    From what I can tell, theology is all in favor of Viagra being covered. Not sure what the viewpoint of the 'frigging nuns'
    is on that....

  9. I'm not an apologist for Catholicism or any other religion (is the Viagra with a co-pay?), BB. But when you have Obama handing out waivers to all of his well-connected political cronies but sticking it to a venerable charity like this, at the very least it's horrible optics.......B Barlowe (I guess that I can't rightly call you BB, too), I really don't know what it is. One would think that Fluke would be smart enough as to not waste precious political capital on this but she did and that IS perplexing.

  10. Will: Doesn't the waiver policy send out the message that Obamacare is something that he wanted to protect his friends from and punish his enemies with?

  11. I think that his intentions were probably good but, just like with any other politician, he didn't bother to calibrate the unintended consequences.

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. But Will, isn't Obama supposed to be "the adult in the room"? These unintended consequences are usually so obvious that you can figure them out in mere seconds.

    Like if there's a policy that piles on a massive unfunded mandate on employers if they employ people wo work 30 or more hours a week, it will forced them to cut worker hours back to 29 hours or less.

  14. And the fact that people can't be denied coverage even if they wait til the very last minute to buy insurance (paying the penalty instead). No, I'm with you. This was definitely not well thought out.


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