Friday, February 8, 2013

Rating the Kennedys 0-10

JFK - 9, RFK - 9, Teddy - 5, Joe Sr. - 1, JFK Jr. - 8, RFK Jr. - 2, Teddy Jr. - 4, Caroline - 7.


  1. Add Sargent Shriver to this list... and also have him ahead of Teddy. He is closely associated, and gave Barack Obama an opportunity to make fun of people

  2. ..and Maria Shriver, who terminated her marriage to the terminator...

  3. The Kennedy rapist... a zero, surely.

    RFK sure is a great argument for nepotism, isn't he?

  4. Maybe you should write the book before Kevin Phillpis does.

  5. Yeah, RFK was one of the greatest AGs ever (not that the mafia concurred, of course).

    1. RFK was indeed the smart one. As well as a fine AG. Probably would have made a fine President as well. There just may be truth to the statement only the good die young.

  6. From RFK (who even Bill O'Reilly admits was a great AG) to this Holder guy. We're definitely going in the wrong direction.

  7. Has Holder distinguished himself at all other than his arming Mexican drug dealers, and his support of criminal activity at voting places?

  8. Wow. Holder really is terrible, isn't he? Wasn't there some documents he was supposed to turn over to Congress that he never did? Why wasn't he impeached?

  9. The only possible reason he can have for refusing to turn over this relevant evidence is that it is very damning. Once he does, he is toast.

    His top job is CYA and looking out for No. 1. Not a very good "Top Cop" is he?

    Oh and last year he did make a strong effort to make sure voter fraud would be OK in as many states as possible for the November election. So he is not a one-trick pony, for sure.

  10. dmarks, do you think the Obamaites stole the election?


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