Friday, February 1, 2013

People Who I Currently Have Zero (As Opposed to Even a Little) Use For

Not in office - Rush Limbaugh (the asshole/douche who started this whole media food-fight), Sean Hannity, Ed Schultz, Rachel Maddow, Mike Malloy, Michelle Malkin, Monica Crowley, Glenn Beck, Keith Olbermann (he makes Bill O'Reilly seem thoughtful), Sarah (I'm so bad that even Fox won't retain me) Palin, Fox and Friends, Markos Moulitsas, Oliver North, Laura Ingraham (shut up and listen), Melanie Morgan, Martin Bashir, Toure, Van Jones, Al Gore, Alex Jones, Newt Gingrich, Paul Krugman, Michael Moore, Noam Chomsky, Norman Finkelstein, Linda McMahon, Vince McMahon, Al (watch me as I make the I-Man grovel) Sharpton, Rick Santorum, Wayne LaPierre, Richard Trumka, Joy Behar, Nancy Grace, John Bolton, Barney (I lied on national television repeatedly) Frank, Karl Rove, Bill Maher, Bill Cunningham, Haley Barbour (a national disgrace), Sandra Fluke, Joe Walsh (the former Congressman, not the former Eagle), Eric Bolling.............In office - Michelle Bachmann, Nancy Pelosi, Maxine Waters, Debbie Wasserman Schultz, Alan Grayson, Louie (terrorist babies) Gohmert, Steve King, Virginia Foxx, Harry Reid, Mitch (the bitch) McConnell, Eric Cantor.....................................................................................What, no Ann Coulter, You ask? Nah, the woman makes me laugh and I gotta give her credit for it. Ditto, Mark Levin.


  1. Chomsky? I think I saw something once he said that I agreed with. But then again I'm not completely sure.

  2. I do give him credit in that the man has been consistent in his criticisms; Bush and now Obama. Hell, he's even said that Obama is in certain ways WORSE than Bush.

  3. I'm trying to imagine that bunch at a party....

  4. EN: Chomsky claims to be a libertarian. A left-libertarian, which is why almost all of what he advocates is for more freedom and liberty for those who run the state, and less and less for those who are crushed under the wheels of power.

  5. Jim Hightower is another despicable figure. I have no idea where he is now, but I recall his radio show and columns in which he incited hatred against anyone he disagreed with.

  6. As for Mr. Chomsky, he's an American dissident, didn't you know?

    1. Yes, and the numbers are growing. Whatever one can't blame GWB for (and there is plenty) they can blame Obama.

  7. Will: Michael Moore is a dissident, too. All the way to the bank, into the top less than 1%. Where else in America can those who protest the government end up rich and powerful beyond anyone's imagination.

    1. Mike Moore may be rich and a hypocritical dissident. Beyond that he is an obese obnoxious self absorbed moronic buffoon. IMNHO anyway.

  8. He also lambasted Hollywood for not hiring enough African-Americans and then hired an even lesser percentage himself (this, after moving out of Detroit and into the lily-white suburbs).

  9. Will: Around the time of his "Downsize This" book, in which he railed against downsizing and also against outsourcing American jobs to other countries, I decided to look up his web site....

    ... .turns out he had outsourced the running of the website to a Canadian company.

    As for the lilly-white suburbs of Detroit, I suppose from wherever you are, Will, everything in Michigan is Detroit. But this lilly-white suburb he came to is a good 5 hours drive away from the Motor City.

    Not sure he was ever from Detroit in the first place. I know him as being from Flint, however... which is between one and two hours away from Detroit. I suppose it might be a suburb of Detroit also, the same as Philadelphia is a suburb of NYC for being between one and two hours away.

  10. Yeah, I got my details a little wrong but you get my point. He's always championing minorities but in his personal life he tries to get as far away from him as he can.

  11. Damn! That's quite a long list but I'd have to agree with you. Levin's voice is annoying though but he isn't that bad and Ann Coulter's kind of attractive, but makes all those controversial comments so more people will be aware of her books. It's a marketing strategy for her which has worked quite well.

    Paul Krugman I would tolerate a lot more if he stuck to talking about trade, which seems to be one of his best strengths. He even wrote a whole textbook about it that I wanted to read. The problem with him is that he's a sellout who wasn't even that political when he first got into economics.

  12. Yeah, I guess that he, Krugman, was an actual professor at one point and more or less mainstream. Wow, what a change.

  13. Levin sounds like Tennessee Tuxedo.

    In all fairness to Micbael Moore, I don't think he hates minorities.


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