Friday, February 15, 2013

On the Viagra - Birth Control Analogy

I've never understood it. Viagra is for a medical condition and birth control is something that you take to avoid pregnancy (which is only a medical condition ONCE IT OCCURS). A much better analogy would have been to compare Viagra to something that makes it easier for a woman to have an orgasm or even to a fertility drug....Now, if the birth control in question is something that a woman needs to treat a medical condition, that in fact WOULD make it an appropriate analogy and something that the insurance should cover.


  1. Will,most RX plans dont cover Viagra,most do cover birth control.

    Apples and oranges my friend.

  2. Russ, I brought it up (and that was precisely my point; apples and oranges) because a lot of people point to the fact that Viagra is supposedly covered (I of course wouldn't know about that - rim shot!). Obviously they could be wrong.


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