Saturday, February 23, 2013

On Obama's Appointment of Jack Lew as Treasury Secretary 2

This is the way that I see it here. If President Obama was really serious about the budget deficit, he would have nominated Erskine Bowles for Treasury Secretary. If he was even moderately interested in it, he would have appointed Mark Zandi or Kent Conrad. The fact that he nominated Jack Lew for the post leads me to think that he isn't very interested in all, and probably never will be.


  1. Jack Lew is known for using dishonest tricks to get political opponents to vote for wasteful spending (and thus debt) increases. Someone who is willing to cut corners to make the problem worse, not better.

  2. I gave this pick a D and I've since lowered it to a D-.

  3. I believe President Obama is REALLY serious about the budget deficit. Serious about seriously increasing it.

  4. Obama has already chosen to increase it more than the next worst debt-bloater (George W. Bush). And he did it in only 4 years. Bush took 8.

    At his current rate, when Obama will have left office, a majority of the entire national debt will have accrued under Democrats. Quite a change from when before he took office, and the Dems' percent of the entire debt picture was pretty small.


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