Monday, February 25, 2013

On the Ludicrous Notion that Wind Energy is Green

a) It cuts down trees. b) It slaughters endangered species (you want to know what it does to the Indiana bat - it, via massive changes in air pressure, basically causes their lungs to explode). c) It takes up copious amounts of land. d) It is exceedingly resource intensive (if an energy source cannot replicate itself, then it is worthless). And e) it's unreliable/intermittent nature necessitates that it always have a fossil fuel backup (in the case of coal that must be run continuously) - duh!


  1. Will is clearly suffering from green energy derangement syndrome.

  2. I let this one slide 'cause it's kind of funny. Don't get used to it, though.

  3. I didn't know about the bats :-(

  4. At that huge wind farm in West Virginia, the ground is literally covered with these Indiana bats. Why does the green industry hate endangered species so much?

  5. For envirofascists, a consideration is how cute the animals are. If the things killed pandabears, it'd be stopped right now.

    There is a reason the WWF er WWE or whatever it is has a panda as its symbol, not an Indiana bat.

  6. There are a few bat lovers out there but, no, not quite as many as there are for polar and panda bears.

  7. Will: Check out this story

    Then check out this story

    Yeah, isn't it wonderful how wind energy dumps tons of coal sludge into Lake Michigan?

  8. Green isn't as green as we've be led, I'm thinking.

  9. Species have gone extinct since the beginning of time. I used the Google machine and found this on "Yahoo Answers"...

    "Since the beginning of life here on earth, over 99%. Extinction is not new thing. Happens all the time and humans weren't responsible for 99% of those".

    We need to stop wasting money on something that is completely natural (animals going extinct).

    Also, given that global warming is totally fake (I think it was invented by Al Gore), why spend money on "green energy"? We still have PLENTY of fossil fuels left.

  10. I read this great book by Colin Tudge called "The Time Before History" and he talks a lot about stuff like this; the fact that there were elephants smaller than ponies, rats that were larger than wolves, etc.. I find the whole thing totally mind-blowing.

  11. "elephants smaller than ponies, rats that were larger than wolves"

    Well, if you go to Washington, you will find a lot of large rats that walk on two legs doing who knows what. And the party of elephants has become small indeed.

  12. I agree. Politicians are little more than mutated rats.


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