Tuesday, February 26, 2013

On Iowa Senators, Grassley and Harkin

These two fellows should be shamed. More than anybody else in Washington, these two Senators were responsible for the American voters having to fork over TENS OF BILLIONS of dollars in what was probably one of the greatest scams in American history. Yeah, I'm talking about ethanol and, even though the subsidies themselves have ended, we're still paying through the nose at the pump because of that moronic 10% mandate. You want to know what the real face of crony capitalism looks like? There it is, folks, smiling at the camera for you, times two.


  1. Harkin in particular can be relied on in his long career to always speak out for more power for the most powerful in the country, and to diminish the wealth, property, and rights, of those unfortunate enough not to be in the ruling elite or in the legions of America's nomenclatura (bureacrats)

  2. And he will leave having made millions at taxpayer expense from public "service", and after he goes he will still be a costly burden to the nation thanks to the "give more mad money to millionaires" Congressional pension program.

    Obama tells the nation he'd rather stick it to poor kids or disabled kids instead of cutting this pure waste.

  3. We have wealthy seniors out there who, because of Medicare and their supplemental insurance, don't even have to cut a check. The system is imploding and, while I didn't subscribe to the entirety of the Ryan plan (he seemed to give the Pentagon a free ride, for example), at least he tried to address the unsustainability of $1 in and $3 out for perpetuity.


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