Tuesday, February 19, 2013

On Darryl Hannah (And, Yes, I was Nice Enough to Include a Picture Prior to Her Lip-Job)

Look, she's probably a nice enough gal, and her environmentalism sincere. But if she thinks that we are going to be able to run the United States transportation system on ethanol and other such food-based items, then she is an idiot. Corn ethanol has roughly 1/540th the power density of an average 10 barrel a day oil stripper well and for us to be able to run our automobiles on it we would literally have to cover entire states with corn fields (this while the world price of corn skyrockets and people frigging starve). It's insane.................................................................................And this whole opposition to the Keystone pipeline is ridiculous, too. We already have tons of pipelines and, what, this one more project is somehow going to put us over the top? Please. And the fact that if the Canadians don't make a deal with us, they're just going to make a deal with China instead. Zero reductions in world-wide CO2. Duh!...................................................................................Oh, and, yeah, all of those windmills that Ms. Hannah wants to put up, those are going to necessitate thousands and thousands of new transmission lines that will probably impact on endangered species, too. Zero free lunch, Ms. Hannah. Sorry to have to educate you here.


  1. "....Corn ethanol has roughly 1/540th the power density of an average 10 barrel a day oil stripper well..."

    If we make a serious effort at this, many thousands will starve due to conversion of land for food to becoming land for fuel. Might cause famines even due to the skyrocketing prices of food worldwide that would result from such a massive effort. i already alluded to the human cost of this deadly diversion in the earlier discussion of the charlatan Michael Mann.

  2. "Hide the decline." How dare we use Mr. Mann's very own words like this.

  3. Isn't hiding the evidence something felons do? Since when is it part of science?


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