Thursday, February 28, 2013

On the Assertion that Mises and Cato are "Right-Wing" Entities

It really kind of misses the point, I think. I mean, yes, they do have some traditionally conservative viewpoints but both of these well-respected think-tanks are libertarian organizations (Mises representing large L libertarianism and Cato small) that deviate markedly from Republican style conservatism on a myriad of issues, both foreign and domestic. I cite, specifically here; gay-marriage, abortion (most libertarians are pro-choice for at least the first two trimesters), civil-liberties, military spending, foreign intervention, drug legalization, torture and enhanced interrogation, the FED, etc.. That, and I would also really stress hard here the fact that libertarians are significantly less crony that either the Democrats OR the Republicans are. No special favors for G.E., Halliburton, or Goldman Sachs if these fellows ever take the reins. Hell no.


  1. The deck is stacked against them. The dEmocrats and the rEpublicans have a mutually inclusive interest In shutting out opposition. The d's and the r's are both drunk with power lust, and they have no desire or intention of sharing power with any other party. You will not see a third or fourth party ascending to any degree of influence or holding power in our lifetime. We still need to work on it so maybe a couple of generations down the road will have a shot at a level of sanity.

    Just look at the absurdity going on in DC right now.

  2. I don't know who I want to slap more right now, Reid or Boehner. Maybe I could do like Moe of the 3 Stooges and clock 'em both in one swoop.

    1. Bernie Sanders (I - Pyongyang) could be the third stooge. He's always jonesing for a super-state to rule us all.

  3. That would be a pleasure to watch!

  4. I love Vermont (Brattleboro is actually one of my hangouts) but it's probably the only state that would ever elect a person state-wide who's that far-left (he makes Obama look like Sam Nunn).

  5. Oh, and, wd, it isn't always about you. A lot of ignorant people (on youtube and various blogs) refer to Mises as a right-wing organization (though, no, I'm clearly not surprised that you've never heard of one of the greatest economists on the 20th Century). What, you think that you're the only ignorant leftist out there?

  6. And Mises doesn't "shill" for anybody. It's the Democrats and Republicans who do that via their crony capitalism and special deals for corporations.

  7. Some think that organizations or people have to be paid "shills" in order to advocate sound and reasoned public policy.


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