Monday, January 21, 2013

On Romney

He didn't deserve a first term.


  1. Unlikable man that I hated long before I had my change in thinking politically. I still remember when he visited my high school in Georgia and basically served people pancakes. That's when I knew he was a fake.

  2. I'm going to be honest with you, Roberto. I'm not entirely sure if I like him or not. I'm not entire sure because I don't know who the real Mitt Romney is. I mean, is he the totally out of touch (and seemingly disingenuous) rich guy who seemingly can't identify, or is the kind and generous volunteer pastor at his church who comforted dying people? I don't know, maybe he's a mixture.

    1. Does Mitt Romney know who the real Mitt Romney is?

      But in fairness do a bit of research and I'm confident you will find he has done some very admirable things. He don't was not Presidential material.

  3. That's probably the best question of all, Les.

  4. I know for a fact that he never even wanted to run for President in the first place! The whole thing smelled like a set up so the Republican Party could lose for whatever reason and a ton of conservatives I knew fell for it. They did the same thing in 2008 when Sarah Palin became John McCain's running mate.

  5. Um Rob, what issue of the Illuminati Quarterly was this printed in?

    Seriously, I've never seen any evidence to the contrary that everyone involved tried as hard as they could.

  6. It's speculation sir and the Illuminati thing is pure BS. I'm sure you listen to Michael Savage. There's really no way a political party can be so inept when it comes to choosing candidates. Romney was sunk from day one.

    Do you not read ABC News, Yahoo News, or The Daily Mail? Huffington Post also had this story up.

  7. The man's name is Weiner, and I have not listened to him in years. Does he share his show broadcasts on the internet?

    "There's really no way a political party can be so inept"

    Never explain by conspiracy what is really caused by basic ineptness. The truth and unfolding of human events is more amazing than any master plan could conceive.

  8. "The man's name is Weiner, and I have not listened to him in years. Does he share his show broadcasts on the internet?"

    Yeah the shows can be heard online at the KSFO website and a YouTube user by the name of ReallyBigSomething posts entire shows.

    "Never explain by conspiracy what is really caused by basic ineptness. The truth and unfolding of human events is more amazing than any master plan could conceive."

    That might be true as well. I wasn't aiming at turning this into some wacky conspiracy theory but utter incompetence really puzzles me sometimes. George W. Bush barely even won the popular vote back in 2000. You could also say the same thing about 2004 though he won by a slightly wider margin. I predict that the GOP will have to change their strategy if they want to win substantially in 2016 based on these prior election results.


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