Friday, January 18, 2013

On Obama's Appointment of Jack Lew as Treasury Secretary

Look, I admit it. Erskine Bowles was a pipe-dream (though, yes, it clearly would have been a grand slam, too). But was it too much to ask for Mr. Obama to at least take a look at somebody like Mark Zandi? I mean, really, is the President THAT opposed to deficit reduction that he has to dredge up yet another stooge like Lew? Seemingly, huh?......I give this appointment a D.


  1. I heard a thing on NPR about how Lew put one over on the American people when he rammed through a massive increase in waste spending (and debt) using deceptive claims.

  2. I'm apparently not the only one with misgivings then.......Mr. Zandi probably hurt his chances when he testified during the debt hearings that Mr. Obama needed at least an additional $60 billion per year in spending cuts.


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