Saturday, January 19, 2013

On Carbon Dioxide

Carbon dioxide is a trace gas which comprises approximately .04% of the atmosphere. Contrast that to nitrogen which comprises 78% (a 1,950:1 ratio) or even to argon which comprises .93% (a 24:1 ratio)....And it isn't as if Carbon dioxide was a poison or even a pollutant a la sulfur dioxide, nitrous oxide, particulate matter, etc.. It's plant food..........................................................................................As for the relationship between CO2 and global-warming, it's dubious. Peter Taylor (himself a strong environmentalist) claims that he spent three months going through the literature and he couldn't find one peer-reviewed journal article which was adequately able to explain just how CO2 causes atmospheric temperature rise (and, yet, this is the model that's currently being used - CO2 and zero attribution to natural causes).....................................................................................Compare that to the fact that a) we already know just how readily naturally occurring warming increases atmospheric CO2, b) while CO2 can cause a temperature increase, the relationship is a logarithmic one in which after a certain amount (20 ppm) the effect is clearly negligible, and c) in almost every instance of global-warming correlating with increases in CO2, it's the warming which plainly precedes the CO2 (in some instances by as much as a millennium).....................................................................................I don't know about this, folks. As much as I hate to throw around such loaded terms as hoax, myth, and swindle, at the very least there appears to be some group-think, turf protection, crony capitalism, and a mainstream media that has totally lost its inquisitiveness.


  1. It's a lot like the flat earthers in 1491.

  2. I think that a lot of it has to do with government funding. If you ask for research money for studying the mating cycle of beetles, you're not likely to get, but if you say that it'll be used for the mating cycle of beetles as it regards to global warming you more than likely will.


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