Thursday, January 10, 2013

Miscellaneous 164

1) According to climate modeller, David Evans (six university degrees including a PhD in electrical engineering from Stanford), the scientific community has known since 2004 that, in almost all of the prior episodes of global warming, not only did the temperature increases generally precede the rises in atmospheric carbon, they preceded them by a good 800 YEARS!!!!! The fact that these politicians, bureaucrats, and scientists (whose livelihood apparently hinges upon a CO2 model of global warming being accurate) have so consistently failed to address this issue is troubling - very troubling.............2) Ditto the fact that they also seem to ignore the entirety of data from 1940 to 1975, a period in which global COOLING and an increase in atmospheric carbon plainly coexisted.............3) And, no, I'm not a global warming "denier". I have just as much of a hard time with people like Sean Hannity and Glenn Beck who say that global warming doesn't exist. It does exist (or at least it did up to a decade or so ago) and it may even be a problem. My only points are that a) the effects have clearly been hyped, b) CO2 emissions quite probably AREN'T the cause and c) the remedies being proposed are at least somewhat questionable (not to mention, exorbitantly costly)....And wouldn't it be nice (especially after WMD and the housing collapse) if the politicians occasionally thought first PRIOR to acting?


  1. It has been known for decades that the initiation of a warming period precedes CO2 increases. That does not preclude CO2's impact. I suggest you read this article and watch this video for more information, or just google it. The 800 year lag is not a deal breaker.

  2. I skimmed the article, Jerry. It sounds to me as if the global warming proponents want it both ways here. On the one hand they cite data over a 150 year period (a period in which warming actually went down after the WW2 when industrialization was at its fiercest) and say that this is categorical proof of man-made global warming and on the other hand guys like this rationalize away the 800 year lag by saying that you can only judge the data over a 5,000 year period!

  3. I just wish that there were more scientists trying to disprove this hypothesis than going out of their way to validate it.

  4. Maybe it is not controversial among climate scientists. You know, those people who understand the details and intricacies of climate, rather than talking points.

  5. I don't think that the consensus is as unanimous as they make it out to be. Of those 2,500 names on the IPCC report (which in and of itself wasn't anywhere near as dire as Gore's movie), half of them were bureaucrats and a lot of them were scientists who departed from the theory but whose names were put on the document anyway (Pat Michaels, Tim Ball, Ian Clark, etc.).

  6. I looked that up, BB. The 97% study I found was from 2010. One problem I found with it was that it did not narrow down the field of scientist it was polling. Which means that if it included anyone who was a scientist at all, it meant that most of the 97% polled had as much knowledge of climate issues as pastry chefs and diesel mechanics do.

    This is all aside from what Will said, which shows that the 2010 study itself was faked, due to willingly putting names on it of people who didn't buy into the doctrine.

    This article is rather telling, providing a scientific antidote to the cooked 2010 "study":

    "Since 1998, more than 31,000 American scientists from diverse climate-related disciplines, including more than 9,000 with Ph.D.s, have signed a public petition announcing their belief that “…there is no convincing scientific evidence that human release of carbon dioxide, methane, or other greenhouse gases is causing or will, in the foreseeable future, cause catastrophic heating of the Earth’s atmosphere and disruption of the Earth’s climate.” Included are atmospheric physicists, botanists, geologists, oceanographers, and meteorologists."

    Also, the age of the study gives one, begging a new poll. A current one, that comes after new evidence has come in, and the impact scandal that so much of the theory was based on bogus evidence from a fake "scientist" in England who cooked the evidence to match his desired results.

  7. Here's a partial list - 1)Ivar Giaever - Nobel Prize winner for physics.............2) Dr. Joanne Simpson - atmospheric scientist, first woman in the world to ever earn a PhD in meteorology.............3) Dr. Kiminon Itoh - environmental physical chemist.............4) Dr. Jarl Ahlbeck - chemical engineer Abo Akademi University of Finland.............5) Dr. Pal Brekke - solar physicist and senior adviser to the Norwegian Space Center in Oslo.............6) Victor Manuel Velasco Herrera - researcher at the Institute of Geophysics of the National Autonomous University of Mexico.............7) Geoffrey Duffy - professor in the Department of Chemical and Materials Engineering University of Aukland.............8) Dr. William Briggs - climate statistician at the American Meteorological Society's Probability and Statistics Committee.............9) Andrei Kapista - Russian geographer and Antarctic ice-core researcher.............10) Dr. Will Happer - physicist Princeton.............11) Dr. Miklos Zagoni - Hungarian physicist.............12) Dr. David Gee - geologist Uppsala University Sweden.............13) Dr. Philip Lloyd - nuclear physicist and chemical engineer.............14) James Peden - atmospheric physicist and formerly of the Space Research and Coordination Center in Pittsburgh.............15) Dr. Phil Chapman - astronautical engineer and former NASA astronaut/M.I.T. physics professor.............16) Delgado Domingos - environmental scientist and founder of the Numerical Weather Forecast Group.............17) Dr. Takeda Kunihiko - vice chancellor of the Institute of Science and Technology Research Chuba University Japan.............18) Dr. Eduardo Tonni - paleontologist at the Committee for Scientific Research in Buenos Aires.............19) Dr. Art Douglas - atmospheric scientist Creighton University.............20) D. Patrick Frank - more than 50 peer reviewed articles.............21) Jack Schmitt - astronaut (Apollo 17)/geologist and formerly of the Norwegian and U.S. geological surveys.............22) Dr. Richard Keen - climatologist University of Colorado.............23) Dr. G. LeBlanc Smith - Principal research scientist with Australia's Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization.............24) Dr. Arun Ahluwalia - geologist Purijab University India.............25) Dr. Roy Spencer - climatologist University of Alabama (formerly of NASA).............26) Dr. Richard Lindzen atmospheric physicist M.I.T.

  8. Then there's also Bjorn Lomborg, Pat Michaels, Jerry Taylor, Ian Clark, Tim Ball, Piers Corbyn, Nir Shaviv, Ian Plimer, John Christy, Philip Stott, Paul Reiter, Larry Bell, and Syun-Ichi Akasofu.


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