Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Miscellaneous 163

1) According to a recent study by the International Energy Agency, if the current trends continue, China will emit more man-made greenhouse gasses by 2025 than the United States, Europe, Japan, and all of the rest of the O.E.C.D. nations COMBINED.......X2! This whole notion that the U.S. and a handful of European countries are going to appreciably reduce world-wide CO2 emissions (destroying their economies by doing so) is a pipe-dream, in my opinion (in the Senate's, too, evidently - a 95-0 vote to not even bring Kyoto up in 2002).............2) According to the I.P.C.C., Greenland is presently losing approximately 25 cubic miles of ice cover per year. That sounds pretty bad, doesn't it? Yeah, well you consider that Greenland has over 630,000 cubic miles of total ice, and that a 25 cubic mile loss per year means that Greenland is losing only .4% of its ice cover PER CENTURY (not per year or per decade, per century), it actually doesn't.............3) According to the U.N., approximately two million people every year die in this world due to indoor air pollution. They die because they don't have electricity and are forced to burn biomass and dung in an effort to see at night and stay warm. In the words of Obama economist, Larry Summers, "Don't kid yourself that you're doing Bangladesh any favors by worrying about global-warming. Poverty is a far bigger killer than global-warming ever will be." Affordable energy - that's what these poor countries need!............4) We actually had a "green economy" once. It was called the 15th century!............5) People who support O.S.H.A. are quick to tote out this graph which shows how work-place injuries have precipitously come down since that agency was created. What they DON'T show you is that if you extended the graph backward to the time prior to O.S.H.A., you would see the exact same level of downward trajectory. The workplace was getting safer without O.S.H.A. and isn't this just so typical of government to jump to the front and take credit like this?


  1. Well said! If CNN had any sense, they would let people like you on the air to debate idiots like Piers Morgan. Alex Jones was not the right guy to do so because although it was a well deserved smackdown (Larry Pratt also took part in a different interview), he went way over the top and ruined the interview with talk about 9/11 conspiracies.

    Glenn Beck is turning The Blaze into a global libertarian network. This does not bode well for the movement and might even cause a schism within the American right into bastardized libertarianism and status quo neoconservatism, therefore making the American liberalism movement have more power and influence, but at the same time less reliant on the far left and progressive movements. You might even have more moderate Republicans help out and ally with the Democrats if this happens, or at least that's what economist Daniel Kuehn wrote on his blog recently.

  2. Arguably, you can already say that right has been split with the advance of the Tea Party, but this will just split and make the differences even more pronounced.

  3. Yeah, I saw that interview, too, Roberto. If Mr. Jones's goal was to somehow further gun rights in America, he majorly failed (the average American probably thinking that guys like him SHOULDN'T have guns).......As for libertarianism, I really think that the Johnson candidacy was an excellent blueprint; conservative on the economy (but not an anarchist like some of the more strident libertarians), socially tolerant, and a reticence to get us involved militarily. Hopefully they can continue to field candidates like that.......Thanks for the link. I'll definitely check it out tomorrow.

  4. Will: China's massive increase is only nothing more than the nation acting under the requirements of the Kyoto accords... a treaty so beloved of Al Gore and similar men of faith and superstition on the Left.

  5. What a joke, huh, China and India being allowed to pollute as much as humanly possible and the rest of us having to pick up the bill for it?

  6. Just one example of how so-called "green" policies are about politics and not science.

  7. IMO, China will have an EPA and an
    OSHA sometime here
    in the future .

  8. I actually don't have a problem with these agencies, BB, just as long as they don't go completely bonkers (my mother once had to renovate her beauty parlor because the sinks were a couple inches too close together).

  9. Agreed, they go completely bonkers.
    I wasted considerable lab staff time on explosives waste treat streams that exibited 'artifact' cyanide: eg. it was not there, it
    showed up as a defect of the EPA standard test for CN, under conditions of polycyclic organics
    and nitrate loadings in the stream.
    Spent three years, along with other companies in the business, as well as mining operations and
    test labs. The EPA tech people
    agreed, but were overrode by the
    EPA lawyers. (but then there was the idiotic MILSPEC that was wrong
    for 45 years...must be a bureacratic phenomenon.) On the positive side, the practice of running raw explosive waste into the river in the 60s was much improved....

  10. Even John Stossel agrees that the E.P.A. did some fantastic work early on in cleaning up rivers, the air, landfills, etc.. The debate here, I'm guessing (and I do try and take a middle position) is largely one of degree.


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