Saturday, January 12, 2013

Dean Wormer to Hamid Karzai

"Crazy, corrupt, and thoroughly lacking in legitimacy is now way to go through life, son."


  1. Do you think Karzai gets those clothes of his at Mens Warehouse?

  2. Every veiled and oppressed woman loves a sharp-dressed man.


  3. Its official....Spittin Chris Matthews has gone completly batshit crazy....he now see's a racist behind every tree,but these percieved racist are all republicsns.

  4. What are you referring to with Matthews? Chance are it isn't something racist at all.

  5. Matthews loves to bring up the birther issue and a handful of signs at tea party rallies. My personal favorite (and this wasn't Matthews but Contessa Brewer - same network, though) was when they had this footage of some guy at a tea party rally near Obama and the dude had a gun. They tried to make that out to be a racist thing but the guy who had the gun was black himself (they either accidentally or purposefully didn't show his face). Oops!


  6. Yesterday Matthews made Colin Powell's Sundays assine statements the centerpiece of his show.Him and that twit Eugene Robinson then began calling every conservative a racist.

    Are these guys just plain stupid,do they belive what they are saying or are these ratings ploys?

  7. The birther thing isn't racist, so my point has been proven.

  8. The Republican party has certainly been good to Powell; National Security Adviser under Reagan, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff under Bush 1, and Secretary of State under Bush 2.


  9. Powell has evolved into a modern day Jesse Jackson.....if he came out of the closet and called himself a democrat no one would give him the light of day.The guy has become a joke....give it a couple years and you'll see him showing up with Jackson and Sharpton picking race baiting money up off the ground.


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