Thursday, December 27, 2012

The Craziest Member of Congress?

Wow, that's a tough one. a) There are a lot of them (Bachmann, Pelosi, Waters, Steve King, etc.) and b) I don't know every single individual. But if I HAD to pick just one I would probably go with Texas Congressman, Louie Gohmert. Between his paranoiac construct of "terror baby lots", his bizarre comment relative to caribou having sex at the trans-Alaska pipeline, and his shameless tarring of a well-respected State Department official (Huma Abedin), I really can't  think of anybody who's more off the deep-end, at least at the moment.


  1. Dont forget that Alan Grayson is coming back.

  2. He won? Well, I'll be damned. No more "Taliban Dan".

  3. Coming back? Has Grayson been transferred from the custody of a distant mental instittution to one that is closer?

  4. I blame gerrymandering, dmarks. The hard-cores in both parties have carved out what are essentially fiefdoms and the only way that any of these clowns seem to get voted out is via a primary and an even more ludicrous candidate.


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