Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Rexford Tugwell on Herbert Hoover

 "We didn’t admit it at the time, but practically the whole New Deal was extrapolated from programs Hoover started."......And Krugman didn't know this. Unbelievable. I guess that you don't necessarily have to read books any more to win a Nobel Prize.


  1. I'm still stuck on trying to understand how Mr. Obama deserved his Nobel. Actually, I think it has a great deal to do with so much simply sliding into mediocrity. Mediocrity is becoming the new standard of excellence.

  2. Yeah, that's a head-scratcher, too. Obama takes the war torch from Bush, runs with it, and then gets a Nobel Peace Prize. Time for a different committee perhaps.


  3. Obama REFUSES to address "Operation Fast & Furious."and yet he is so out spoken when it comes to the NRA. More than three hundred people are DEAD because of Obama and Holder, almost TWELVE TIMES the number of dead in Sandy Hook, Connecticut....
    It's a well known fact that gun laws areńt aimed at criminals but average
    law abiding citizens.The worst shooting areas in the country all
    probably have assault weapons bans
    WHY was Obama FORCING GUNS into the hands of Mexican drug cartels?
    He like Valerie Jarrett and the other communists in his Administration are doing the damage to America he will never get blamed for.
    WHY is he hiding behind executive privilege?

    WHY are these networks refusing to seek the TRUTH in this matter?
    Has he done anything except stir racial and class rivalry, play golf, go on comedy shows, eat, fly on AF1 on his myriad vacations and read from Teleprompters the things others have written?
    If the NRA is going to be persecuted for standing up for Second Amendment
    rights, Barack Obama and his cronies should be
    persecuted with the FACTS!
    The whole point of the liberal/progressive movement is to
    free the government from the constitution and
    thereby replace freedom with a socialist dictatorship. We have more than enough laws. These killers are crazy they don't obey the laws, so why punish the public with more laws that aren't going to mean anything to these crazy people.
    And when is he going to come home from Hawaii and face this cliff-hanger? And who wants to bet that the Moocher will stay there for a rew days after he leaves and NOT come back on the same plane! It doesńt matter how much it is costing We The People to fly the Moocher & Zero back and forth to wherever they want to vacation. It́s our privilege as Tax Payers to to do this for them.

  4. I don't really care much for Obama at all, but he did take social networking and campaigning to a new level. Whoever becomes the president in 2016 needs to improve upon this model and run with it in order to get those votes. Really take advantage of Twitter, Tumblr, and Facebook in the next election. Obama has over 25 million on Twitter, so it's pretty obvious he appealed to a ton of people who were disgruntled with the Bush administration for many reasons and understood the power of advertising and image.

    I used to be a supporter of the man, but I've seen through his true colors, especially on an economic level. I also don't like what he's done with Iraq and Afghansistan or those Pakistani drone strikes. Arab Spring has also been a disaster. Just look at the Islamist constituition that was passed into law in Egypt recently. The one positive is that it doesn't appear that America will be going to war with Iran anytime soon.

  5. RR, I gather that you didn't support Mr. Obama this fall. Just a little something that I picked up there.

  6. Roberto, I voted for Obama in 2008 and up until about a year ago I had intended to vote for him again. But I couldn't (I voted for Johnson instead). He just isn't serious enough about the deficit and on foreign policy there isn't a dime's worth of difference between him and Bush.

  7. Exactly. I wish I had stayed home on Election Day though. As much as I hated him for many reasons, I reluctantly voted for that milquetoast, flip flopper Mitt Romney purely because I thought he would temporarily delay the economy from taking another dip and get rid of Ben Bernanke as he promised. I had really wanted to vote for Gary Johnson myself, but I was convinced that this might have been a close election and that my vote would actually count. I was definitely proven wrong. Oh well.

    According to one of the BLS studies I read, there are sitll 979,000 discouraged workers. Check it out for yourself and read what kinds of jobs are being created. It still doesn't look too good to me.


  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Roberto, I live in CT and Obama was going to take it no matter what. The one good thing is that it allowed me to vote my conscience.......Thanks for the link.


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