Thursday, December 20, 2012

On Me and Guns 2 (And, Yes, It's a Complicated Topic)

Like I said, I don't own any guns. But neither am I going to go around advertising that sucker. Like I'm not going to be putting a monstrous sign in front of my house that specifies, "gun-free house", and I doubt that any of my colleagues would be willing to do that, either.


  1. Always better to keep em guessing. But if the wackiest have their way nobody but criminals and the police will have firearms anyway.

  2. Les, Florida has over 1.8 million permit holders for concealed carry and, of those, only 167 have had their permits revoked (and most of them for minor indiscretions). This whole concept of people who own guns being whacky isn't at all born out by the evidence.

    1. Agreed. The real issue is are, 1) there are a few wackos and there always has been and will continue to be, 2) the difficulty in identifying who the wackos are and keeping firearms out of their hands.

      Of course for some the solution is tight federal control of firearms and ammo, leading to rationing of both. Banning semi automatic firearms and outlawing extended magazines.

      The ultimate goals of the extreme left is a society in which only the military, police, border patrol etc. Are licensed to carry firearms.

      Further erosion of the Constitution's 2'nd amemdment.

  3. Wacky? Some character gets on a plane with explosives in his shoe and millions of us have to remove our shoes and grandma gets strip searched. We even establish an expensive new arm of gov't. So,
    we stand by month after month and
    wring our hands? It isn't a problem? It is too complex? No big
    deal? Even serious gun owners are concerned; decent folks who cringe
    everytime a lunatic goes on a shooting frolic. If I wanted to lug
    a Bushmaster, I'd move to Somalia, frankly...

  4. My sympathies are with you, BB, but the facts are a troublesome thing some time. a) When D.C. instituted its "right to carry" law, the murder rate went down 23% in one year and 36% in three years. b) When Chicago instituted its gun ban, the murder rate there went up dramatically. And c) virtually every multiple victim public shooting in America has taken place in a gun-free zone. You want to pass some additional gun laws? Fine, just don't expect any miracles.

  5. Miracles? Heck, Will, we made it past the Mayan Calendar End Of The
    World. If we all have to carry firearms this country has moved to
    a sorry state. An armed guard or
    squad of Marines at every school?
    We can't even protect our embassies. I was in the ammo industry for 30 years. My people
    made the stuff for percussion primers. Something over 20 billion rounds. Let me have a vested interest and understand that I dislike 'collateral damage'. Surely, there has to be a common
    sense approach that meets 2nd Amendment criteria without making
    this country a free-fire zone?

  6. The NRA idea of armed guards at schools is a stupid one. I fully agree. All that a maniac would have to do is kill that individual first. But if a killer thinks that somebody at a location might have a concealed gun, he or she is probably far less likely to go there. I mean, just look at the Aurora Colorado shooting. There were 7 movie theaters in that location and where pray tell did that lunatic go? He went to the only 1 of the 7 that didn't have right to carry. I doubt that that was a coincidence.

  7. And who obeys gun laws? Law-abiding citizens do. Criminals essentially chuckle over them.......I would also add that only 4-5 states in the country currently DON'T have right to carry permits and the murder rate has actually gone down. This whole notion of people en masse killing each other over fender-benders clearly hasn't happened.

  8. BB said: "We can't even protect our embassies."

    We can very easily if the higher ups don't receive, evaluate, and ignore calls for more security. Yet this happened with Benghazi

  9. Yet this happened with Benghazi

    You failed to mention;

    2008 United States consulate in Istanbul attack

    2008 American Embassy attack in Yemen

    2008 Belgrade Embassy Burned

    2007 Athens Embassy attack

    2006 Damascus embassy attack

    2004 Jeddah consulate attack

    2004 Tashkent embassy bombings

    2002 US consulate bombing in Karachi

    PS: Benghazi wasn't a US Embassy at all, it was a diplomatic mission. The Libyan embassy is in Tripoli, the Capital of Libya.


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