Friday, December 21, 2012

On Eastwood's Shtick at the Republican National Convention

I didn't like it - not because he made fun of the President (politicians exist to be ridiculed in my little world). I didn't like it because it was just such a shock to have to witness it; that one-time virile and dynamic icon from Sergio Leone's epic masterpiece, "The Good, The Bad, And the Ugly", being reduced to such a stumbling, bumbling, and stammering douche-bag/tool for some mediocre political party. Believe me, it was a hard-core image that this fellow could have well done without.


  1. Well, he's an old guy. 1930 was a good year for being born an actor, though: Sean Connery, Joanne Woodward, Robert Wagner, Richard Harris, Steve McQueen, and Gene Hackman. Others in that maternity ward- Ross Perot, Warren Buffet, George Soros, Pat Robertson and George Steinbrenner.


  2. I beg to differ with you on this one Will.Being the movie buff that you are I think you see your favorite actors as they were rather then accept them in their dottage.

    I think Clint has aged gracefully with dignity.He knew he could'nt be Dirty Harry forever so he made himself into one of the most successful director/producers in the business.And to top it off old Clint has aquired "fuck you" money...I dont think he gives a shit what anyone thinks.

  3. I think that he's aged gracefully, too, Russ. I just didn't like having to see him so exposed like that. And, yeah, my lasting image of him will probably be the one of him squinting menacingly at Lee Van Cleef in "The Good, The Bad, And the Ugly".............Yeah, that's an impressive list, BB (the first one moreso than the second one).


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