Saturday, December 8, 2012

On Anti-Israel Activist and Writer, Norman Finkelstein

The fellow makes Noam Chomsky sound like Golda Meir.


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  2. You are a sick sick liar dmarks. I knew nothing about Norman Finkelstein previously, so I looked him up on Wikipedia... and it says his parents were Jewish Holocaust survivors. This is another example of how sick in the head dmarks is. It's the same thing that causes him to accuse black people of being racist against other African Americans and cry about Whites being discriminated against.

  3. I'll leave this one, wd, because dmarks brought you up. But no more.

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  6. *I* consistently oppose all racism and all racial injustice. *You* think it is OK to be racist against some people. dmarks accuses others of these things to mask his own racism and anti-semitism.

    FYI, something can NOT be part of the "historic record" if it never happened.

    Also, I never mispelled Fracis as Frances. When you made this inane accusation the first time I asked you WHERE. I said give me a link. You could not. And I never "passionately defended him", I said I disagreed with his views on Israel.

    dmarks' lying is pathological... and Will never calls him on it. EVER. If I hadn't been banned I'd have left of my own accord. John Myste was right about you.

    BTW, since Will didn't delete the "fuck you" I'm assuming he's OK with me commenting again (this post only).

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  8. dmarks: You have no evidence of any racism or anti-Semitism from me.

    There is evidence. You deny that racism exists by rejecting the need for affirmative action programs to combat it. You do this because you support the status quo (a world where Whites have an advantage because they are White). And you slander anyone who dares criticize Israel with UGLY lies about these individuals "criticiz[ing] Israelis for not hurrying up and being ashes scraped out of industrial ovens".

    I find your use of these vile lies to further your political agenda disgusting. No real concern for Jews here. dmarks loves to speak out against Whites being discriminated against by unjust AA programs, imaginary racist (against Blacks) African Americans, imaginary racist (against Whites) African Americans and imaginary anti-Semitic Jewish people. He never says anything about actual racism except to deny it exists. This is just another form of racism, IMO.

    dmarks: This policy is by definition racist. You support it. I oppose it.

    Affirmative Action is by definition anti-racist. That is, if the actual definition (and not one made up by the Right) is used.

    dmarks: Myste... repeatedly claimed that all black people were "Damaged"...

    He never did this. He acknowledged the existence of racism and the continuing need for Affirmative Action programs to combat it. IMO dmarks would make a good "grand wizard" of people who cry about Whites being the victims of racism.

    You can't quote anything John Myste was wrong on.

    dmarks: ...the guy was formerly Frances (as you spelled it)...

    I never spelled it that way. In any case, as I recall you misspelled the name of an individual you CLAIMED was the first African-American president. Turned out (when I looked it up) the guy wasn't African American and also never president. A much bigger gaffe than the one you claim I made (but have never been able to produce any proof of).

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  10. WD is back? I thought he'd taken a ride on the Disorient Express.

  11. Who let WD out to play? Did the inmates gain control over the asylum?

  12. I felt that I should at least let him defend himself.

    1. I think that is equitable and balanced. Even though it is likely WD is neither.

      We do know for certain he has no problem with the F-bomb when challenged.

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  14. I would instruct Mr.s Finkelstein and Chomsky to examine the Syrian and Egyptian war plans from 1967. It was clear from them that this was to be a war of annihilation and not a war waged strictly for territory.

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  16. And some people STILL want a one state "solution".

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  18. I'm glad Will banned me. I should have left sooner. Everyone here exists in some alternate reality that makes it impossible to have a rational conversation.

    For example I did not drop the F-bomb when "challenged" as "Rational" Nation claims. dmarks slandered me with vile lies. Lies aren't a "challenge".

    And this "Fraces Boyle solution" for "eliminating" Israel Jews that dmarks refers to DOES NOT EXIST. In part due to the fact that there is no such person as "Fraces Boyle".

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