Saturday, December 8, 2012

My Favorite Youtube Comment Ever, Courtesy of r29

"you don't really care about life. stop pretending to care. A poor man today lives better than a king did for the vast majority of history. A poor man in central africa today has a higher standard of living, better healthcare than the emperors of rome. All of the kings of the past would trade their empires for a car, or dental care. You only care about relative wealth not absolute wealth, In an other words you are envious of other. You should really think about your life."......Yeah, there are some grammatical errors and/or typos but, overall, I love it.


  1. I'm not sure he chose the best example:

    "A poor man in central africa today has a higher standard of living"

    The poorest in Central Africa surely must be the nearly 3 million suffering in refugee camps. Last I knew, those were not known for good healthcare or anything, and militias raid them to rape, plunder, and murder, at will.

  2. Yeah, he probably should have been more specific on that one, agreed.

  3. Yeah, I would have said Central America instead. Mostly in poverty, but stable and lacking wars and refugee camps.


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