Sunday, December 2, 2012

Miscellaneous 150

1) Just to be fair and balanced here, Democrats such as FDR and Obama aren't the only Presidents who have utilized constituency politics and patronage. Richard Nixon in 1972 (less than 6 months before Election Day) markedly increased Social Security payments and George W. Bush spent money like a drunken sailor in the months leading up to the 2004 election. Bribing the electorate is as American as apple pie and both parties are exceedingly proficient at it.............2) According to historian and economist, Thomas Woods, Andrew Carnegie was able to single-handedly bring down the cost of steel by 90%, John D. Rockefeller was able to single-handed bring the cost of kerosene by 90%, and Cornelius Vanderbilt was able to single-handedly bring down the cost of steam transport by 95%. Now, yes, all three of these individuals went on to make millions and millions of dollars and none of them were flawless. But I think that they probably contributed more to society than politicians like Herbert Hoover, FDR, and Woodrow Wilson did with all of their initiatives....Certainly one could argue that, I think.............3) Wow, I can't believe what I just saw. New York Times leftist columnist, Charles Blow, actually went on CNN and gave some straight and reasonable analysis (on the upcoming "fiscal cliff"). A job well done, Mr. Blow (and, please, do not rearrange the words in that sentence).


  1. Thomas Woods, IMO, views economic
    history from a particular angle .

  2. I'm well familiar with him. I've read his book, "Meltdown", and watched a lot of his lectures on youtube. And they all have angles, BB Idaho. You don't think that Arthur Schlesinger had a particular one?

  3. Agreed, about Schelsinger, although
    I've only read his 'Politics Of Upheaval'..and that back in the 1960s. History is neither good nor
    bad, IMO and would note the wider examination of the times of the super barons. Another of the many eras which are
    best described by Dickens'-
    "It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of Light, it was the season of Darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair." Just along the lines
    as you noted of 'fair & balanced'.

  4. I agree that there were "robber barons". I just don't think that people like Rockefeller, Carnegie, and Vanderbilt were a part of it (though, yes, I concur that they weren't perfect). I cite more the likes of Edward Collins (with steamboats) and those leeches from the Union Pacific Railroad who constantly petitioned the government for money and special favors.


  5. BB and Will,its great to reflect on the past,but we have our own....Larry Ellison,Bill Gates,Steve Jobs,Steve Wynn.....present day guys who built great companys,created jobs for millions and made millions for investors.

    I've put a three month ban on any news channels being shown on TV's in our home,its was Mrs.Rusty's idea.We cannot take another minute of "fiscal cliff" jabber.This is the dumbest thing the media has ever constructed.The fucking idiots in the white house,senate and house are enough to make one this really what we elected them to do?
    I wish a comet would hit D.C. at noon this Thursday.

  6. I kinda like what the Gang of 6 came up with last year. Unfortunately, the Gang of 94 in the Senate and the Gang of 435 in the House and the Gang of 1 in the White House don't seem to agree with me much.

  7. What do you call the Vice President?

    The Gang of 0.

    Well, no-one home there for sure. Poor ol Jethro.

  8. Biden + the office of the Vice President = irrelevance up the ying-yang.


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