Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Finally, A Keynesian Who I Could Work With

Mark Zandi, chief economist for Moody's Analytics. Yes, the man believes in "stimulus" and is also a fairly strong supporter of Obama, but he's also a) reasonable and b) isn't afraid to criticize the President as he did during his recent Congressional testimony (saying that the President's proposal needed at least 600 billion in additional cuts). If it were purely up to me on this, I would have the President listening more to him and less to douche-bag Geithner.


  1. Geithner's a felonious tax cheat. I doubt Zandi is one.

  2. What I'd like to know is where are the Hayek types? It is was we need to balance the insanity of the times. But, I fear it may be hopeless.

  3. Dmarks, yeah, I think that the fellow's pretty clean.............Les, there are actually a lot of outstanding Austrians out there; Thomas Woods, Thomas Delorenzo, Robert Murphy, Robert Higgs, Dan Mitchell, etc.. That's the good news. The bad news is that none of these guys are in government.

  4. And just a little more on Zandi here. According to him, an optimal debt consolidation package is one in which the spending cuts to revenues ratio is a good, solid 2-3:1 - significantly different from Obama's very disappointing current 1:4 ratio. See what I'm saying about being able to work with him?

  5. In government is what I meant. I suppose these individuals are too smart, and have too much character to sell their soul to the devil (so to speak).


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