Thursday, November 29, 2012

Three Ann Coulter Whoppers (Circa Several Months Prior to the Election)

1) "Obama's never faced a real opponent." No, Mr.s Keyes and McCain (the idiot Keyes, especially) weren't exactly formidable but beating Hillary in the Democratic primary wasn't exactly chopped-liver.............2) "He's (Obama) the most left-wing President ever." This one is especially off the charts. Hoover, FDR, LBJ, and Nixon (yes, Nixon was a hard-core operational liberal who not only didn't dismantle the Great Society but in many ways extended it) were all more interventionist than Obama and even a lot of the things that Obama has done and/or proposed were originally Republican ideas (the individual mandate, cap and trade, etc.). Absolute BS on this one.............3) He's (Romney) only flip-flopped on one issue; abortion." The woman is insane. Governor Romney has flip-flopped on a grand number of issues; TARP, Don't-Ask/Don't Tell, carbon emissions, stem-cell research, campaign finance reform, capital-gains tax-cuts, the minimum-wage, the assault weapons ban, his feelings relative to the NRA, his hunting prowess, on the MA health-care plan being a model for the nation, his lack of Vietnam service explanations, etc.. In fact, folks, I would probably have to say that he flip-flopped more than Kerry and McCain combined.


  1. Careful Will, soon you'll be accused of being a flaming liberal. That said, when you're on to something (reality) you're on to something.

  2. Stay tuned, Les. An anti-Maddow post is right around the corner.

  3. Fair and balanced you most certainly are Will. :-)

  4. My goal is to be what O'Reilly claims but isn't always. And, yes, thanks for the prop.

  5. There's a lot more hard left to Obama than you'd think. A lot of connection to the extreme, genocidal left, even. He appointed Van "Killing Fields" Jones (only sacking this Maoist when there was pressure, has indeed "palled" around with leftist terrorists, and was mentored by a fanatic Stalinist (the truly odious Frank Marshall Davis). He did indeed admit that his personal choice for healthcare was the extreme leftist monopoly solution of "Single Payer". He has appointed an FCC czar who supports strict government control of the airwaves. He has gone on record many times in favor of criminalizing speaking out on politicians/elections (his Citizens United stance) There are plenty of other examples.

  6. I agree that Obama's sentiments are "left' but operationally I think that the man has been to the right of the 4 Presidents that I listed.


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