Monday, November 5, 2012

Road Trip

I had an interesting conversation with Governor Romney the other day. I told him that I was planning a cross-country road trip to California and asked him if he wanted to accompany me. Surprisingly, Romney said, yes. But then he started asking me a bunch of questions as to how I was planning to get there and I was all of a sudden, "Whoa, whoa, I can't tell you that, man. It's a negotiation. We've got the toll people. We've got the gas stations. We've got the hotels. We've got the restaurants. You simply dang gotta trust me here." Needless to say, the Governor responded by saying, "never mind." Ironic, isn't it (the fact that I had used the very same utterance pertaining to his vote)?............And, yes, this blog post has been brought to you by the independent superpac, Moderates for Johnson 2012.


  1. One of your moderates for Gary Johnson spent some time
    in town here on a streetcorner.
    Whether in spite of, or because of
    his sidearm, he was well-received.

    1. I assume that isn't the same kind of moderate that Bill Clinton picks up on streetcorners at night.

      "Hey baby, want to try me a Third Way?"

  2. Hey, the Republicans and Democrats are always that they have a big tent. Why can't the Libertarians have one, too?


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