Monday, November 26, 2012

On the Stock-Market in Cairo Plummeting Today

Egypt has a stock-market?


  1. Wait! What? The Cairo market bombed?

    And I was heavy into date futures.

  2. Thanks for the visit and kind words, GS. Do you also have a blog?......Yeah, I took a bath on that one, too, Russ. Baba ganoush as well.

  3. Rusty said: "And I was heavy into date futures."

    If you try better aftershave, your date investments might be more lucrative, with a big payoff in the end.

  4. Anyway, going to grab my copy of the "Daily Pyramid" and check the Sarcophagus 500 stock listings. I hear Potiphar might not be one of Egypt's millionaires any more, and now has a few more cares.

    But now, Will, how could you have possible missed the best title for this post.

    "Stock like an Egyptian"


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