Saturday, November 10, 2012

On Obama and the Auto Bailout

I sincerely hope that it works. I'm an American before I am a critic of the President and when he does well, we all do well. That being said, I would in fact caution the fellow that maybe he needs to cease and desist with these victory dances. I just got done reading an article by Louis Woodhill from "Forbes" and he seems to think that there's a better than 50-50 chance that G.M. and maybe Chrysler will be coming to the federal government for additional money in President Obama's second term (or Mr. Romney's first term - he wrote the article prior to the election).....and the President will have to come to the American public yet again.......


  1. Chrysler seems to be doing great now.

  2. That's good to hear. Like I said, I'd prefer that it worked.

  3. I think we all would at this point Will.

  4. I have to make a correction here, gents. I went back to the Woodhill article and Chrysler in fact was NOT mentioned. I apologize for the misplaced inference that I made.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Will: It is probably all GM. The re-arrangment when Obama took over had some problems because it gave more power to the people who caused GM to go bankrupt in the first place: the unions that insisted on having unqualified people make management decisions, and also insisted on paying drunkards who did shoddy work making way below average automobiles $65+ an hour. And then the government demanded that GM build cars that the public does not need, such as the Chevy Volt.


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