Thursday, November 15, 2012

On My Pessimism Regarding a Budget Deal

As long as we have morons on the right like Marsha Blackburn saying that we can balance the budget simply by cutting non-defense discretionary spending and morons on the left like Raul Grijalva saying that the only thing necessary is allowing the Bush tax-cuts to expire on families making over $250,000 a year (68 billion out of a 1.2 trillion dollar deficit), then, no, I am not very optimistic and will in fact remain that way.


  1. I agree but I think that this Blackburn lady was referring to that 10-15% of the budget that isn't military or entitlements. And she wasn't even specific there.


  2. Perhaps cooler heads will prevail....perhaps they will come to their senses....perhaps they will agree on something that helps the entire population....perhaps a comet will hit D.C......hey,it could happen.

    Ever wonder why the founders made a term in the House 2 years? It was'nt ment to be a life long occupation,Were they that smart and we're that fucking stupid?

  3. Maybe the Gang of Six can get back together and recruit some additional members, steamroll Pelosi, McConnell, etc..

  4. Costa Rico I understand is beautiful.


  5. RN,I'm close to buying a place on Lake Panajachel.Will be heading down there in Jan.,thinking about packing it in here

  6. I love Central American coffee; Panamanian and Guatemala Antiguan, especially.


  7. Friends of ours moved to Guatemala two years ago,they love it there.They found this place for us to look at.Big decision though.

  8. Nicaraguan Cigars have an affinty for as well.

    Lots of beautiful Central American women as well too.

  9. There's a mother-daughter Guatemalan tag-team where I work and I often have trouble concentrating.

  10. I also want to thank you for coming up with a great 1960's psychadelic band name in the title of this post.


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