Thursday, November 29, 2012

On Greed

It's a social constant. The only thing that alters (usually for the worse) it are governmental policies.


  1. Yeah, making it worse, as government policies redefine the definition of greed as it redistributea the wealth. Soon the definition of greed will be " having anything beyond what the government (and the oligarchs) distributes.

    See Ema for further clarification.

  2. Greed is a perfect word for much of the tax hike ideas.

    The richest most powerful organization in the world, with a near record high amount of cash coming in, doesn't have enough.... and wants more.

  3. I checked several definitions of greed. The quote below from Wikipedia pretty much sums it up:

    "Greed is the inordinate desire to possess wealth, goods, or objects of abstract value with the intention to keep it for one's self, far beyond the dictates of basic survival and comfort. It is applied to a markedly high desire for and pursuit of wealth, status, and power."

    dmarks, I think you get it.

    RN, I think you are talking about people who want something for nothing. That not greed. However, most people who get assistance from the government are just trying to meet their needs for basis survival. That is not greed.

  4. And greedy bankers being the cause of the financial collapse.......I mean, yeah, that was a part of it but if it wasn't for that idiot, Greenspan, artificially lowering interest rates, flooding the economy with monopoly money, and winking to these institutions that there was nothing to worry about there wouldn't have even been a glut of malinvestment in housing to begin with.

  5. Assuming youmare right, will, what is Greenspan's payoff? What did he get out of it? Power...and that's greed.

  6. I think I misread your comment, dmarks. You are asking about the government. I thought you were talking about very rich individuals.

    I think greed only applies to individuals. The government is not an entity unto itself anymore than a corporation is a person. They are simply a tool for individuals to use.

  7. Note please Jerry I tapped Oligarchs. There is much more to what I wrote than meets the eye.

    Your point nontheless is certainly understood and has validity.

  8. Welcome back, Jerry. I can't say that I know what Mr. Greenspan's motivation was (power is probably the safest bet). All I know is that he tried to be the "maestro' and he ended up making things worse. Nobody WANTS a recession but just like with a fever, they're sometimes necessary.


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