Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Things that Romney Could Have Said - Continued

6) When Mr. Obama claimed that Romney's numbers didn't "add up", he could have responded to that claim by saying, "Well, yeah, Mr. President, if you go strictly by what the Tax Policy Center is saying. Those blankety-blanks made a whole host of assumptions that I have never once uttered, for Christ; the fact that I would somehow never put municipal bond interest or interest from whole-life insurance policies on the table. I mean, I know that you want to paint me with the unfavorable light possible (having your lackeys and henchman say that I'm a tax-cheat and a murderer, for instance) but next time maybe you could utilize a source that doesn't give 97.6% of their political contributions to your side.


  1. Or he could have responded by showing how his numbers did add up. That would have been a useful answer.

  2. Jerry, I've been very critical of Mr. Romney for his lack of specificity and needless to say I agree with you here.

  3. He could have presented a bold new healthcare vision, instead of just describing the bad parts of Obamacare he'd get rid of.


  4. When an incumbent president cant run on their record and is shown to be incompetent....the debate results are preordained.

    Looks like the "cool factor" has worn pretty damn thin.

  5. Honestly, I don't find either one of them all that cool.


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