Monday, October 15, 2012

The Hard-Left's Response to Pretty Much Any Criticism that's Leveled Against Obama



  1. LMAO! Thanks for the levity. I needed it after another long hard day at school.

  2. And it would be even funnier if it wasn't half-true, huh?

  3. You are right about it being a hard-left response. Not a moderate, or conservative one.

    But it is only part of the story. Another knee-jerk reaction of the hard left is to call any criticism of Obama "racist". The silliness of this knows no bounds. I had a long argument with someone who claimed that even calling Obama "arrogant" was racist. Despite such evidence of pointing out that, at the time, Google epithets calling Bush "arrogant" far outnumbered ones calling Obama the same thing. Another silly was was the claim that the Obama/Socialist/Joker picture was racist also.

    Or that the socialism criticism was racist. despite the fact that black socialists like Mugabe are far outnumbered by white ones (Castro, Lenin, Milosevic, Stalin, etc).

    Thankfully, only the hard left bought into this sort of reverse-racism under which a black person was above any sort of normal criticism a white person might get.

  4. LBJ would have called somebody like Obama "uppity" (only off the record, though, of course).

  5. And in Glenn Beck's case, even Woodrow Wilson.

  6. Wilson's got plenty of blame for some things: hundreds of thousands dead during the 1990s and 1920s for his ignorant ham-handed forcing together of Yugoslavia (which included annexing Kosovo to Serbia against the Kosovars' will, among other seeds of disaster).

    Of course, there was a chance to undo Wilson's boondoggle at the end of WW2, but no one insisted on it.

  7. We're (the Americans and Brits) not very good at starting nations, are we?

  8. Some would go back as far as TR, the first progressive Republican.

  9. Or even McKinley with his wars in Cuba and the Philippines.

  10. ..or even George Washington with his marshalling troops against
    American citizens to put down the
    Whiskey Rebellion...

  11. Or William Phips, the first royally-appointed governor of the Province of Massachusetts Bay, for his presiding over the Salem Witchcraft trials of 1692; the allowance of "spectral evidence", etc..

  12. The Phillipines effort was US at the height of its thankfully now long past imperialist era. Our troops slaughtered hundreds of thousands there.


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