Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Poor, Poor, Pitiful Obama

Yes, President Obama inherited a tough situation and, no, the Republicans didn't help him out very much (some of them in the media and on the Hill were downright nasty to him) but aren't we eventually going to reach a statute of limitations on feeling sorry for him? I mean, my God, a) him and his side are slinging it pretty good themselves of late (that ad about the poor bastard's wife dying of cancer and Stephanie Cutter downplaying the death of those four brave Americans, two recent examples) and b) you really gotta show some leadership, for Christ. Reagan didn't have anywhere a bullet-proof majority when he took office and he was able to take his case to the American people and basically shamed the Democrats to act. President Obama? The only thing that he really did, in my opinion, was carry damned Pelosi's water and pencil.


  1. Well, I can't say there is much awry with your analysis.

  2. Actually/fair and balanced, Les, I pretty much felt the same ay about Palin; felt sorry for her at first but when it reached critical mass and she started being just as obnoxious as her critics, no more sympathy.

  3. Will Said:

    "Reagan didn't have anywhere a bullet-proof majority when he took office and he was able to take his case to the American people and basically shamed the Democrats to act. President Obama? The only thing that he really did, in my opinion, was carry damned Pelosi's water and pencil."

    Will you're my friend but I disagree. I hope you recall some of the conversations we had. The politicians in Reagan's time may have disagreed on issues, but the could get things done and cut deals. They were a different breed than the present clowns. Tip O'Neill and Reagan were actually friends. During the evening they would often share a meal or a drink and discuss things. O'Neill never vowed to destroy Reagan or threatened to make him a one term president...As far as I know, he never asked Reagan to produce his birth certificate or called him Un-American. He didn't engage in "dog whistle" attacks pandering to the 10%. He didn't use the tactics the Republicans have to deligitmize Obama's presidency.

    I won't pretend that fillibusters and stonewalling didn't happen but it was not nearly as common as in the present Congress. Reagan didn't "shame" the Democrats to do anything...The Tea Party on the other hand has no shame....they were perfectly willing for the Goverment to crash all in the name of "principal."

    Obama did inherit a crappy hand...I can't believe McCain would have fared any better in this situation. The Economy was on the brink of collapse if what I have read is true, yet we expected this President to do a Houdini act and make all better in less than four years? That, IMO is not reasonable...

    Obama has made mistakes. I admit it. It's what people do. And that includes Republicans.

    As for Nancy Pelosi: She is the big boogey man for Republicans. Really? She is an Old Lady with too many face lifts and Botox injections. That somehow she is manipulating the president is an exergeration...Pelosi is name Republicans use for incitement...nothing more. John Boehner is a dedent guy but he is spending time looking behind his shoulder. Cantor would stab him in the back and take his job in a nanosecond...genuflecting to Grover Norquist and the tea party...I am not voting for Obama because he is great. I am not voting for him because I feel sorry for him. He does work hard, he sincerely wants America to be better. I simply can't stomach what was done to him by the opposition. Had the Republicans put a better candidate up I would have given it some thought. (Huntsman.)

  4. How many Republicans in the House and Senate ever asked for Obama's birth certificate? And I'm pretty sure that the number one goal of a great many Democrats in the early days of the Bush administration was to make that douche a one term President, too (McConnell just had the nerve to say it out loud - and, yeah, he's a dick)). As for the economy being on the verge of collapse, the recession was over in the summer of 2009 and at that time only 7.7% of the stimulus money had been spent. This whole notion that the stimulus warded off another great depression is factually inaccurate. The crappy things that were said about Mr. Obama? Yeah, those were pretty nasty. But so, too, are some of the things coming from the yaps of Stephanie Cutter and Billy Burton as we speak.

  5. And Marcus, read what I wrote at the beginning again. I conceded that the man was treated poorly and that he inherited a mess. My only point here is that I'm tired of him, not that McCain would have been a better President (I voted for Obama precisely because I thought that Mr. McCain wasn't fit/stable) or that I even support Mitt Romney (I clearly do not - just ask our good friend, Heathen Republican).

  6. The idea that the stimulus warded off a depression is pure B.S. and a scare tactic. It was political corruption (a payoff to such allies as underworked, overpaid and wealthy union thugs) and caused even higher unemployment.


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