Tuesday, October 2, 2012

On President Obama's Likability

He's "likable enough".


  1. Joe Biden said today...."the middle class has been buried the past four years."

    Old hairplugs...the gift that never stops giving.

    1. Yeah, but in his moment of truth what he was implying was it's all Bushes fault.

      I'm quite sure that will be the soon to be forthcoming "clarification."

  2. What state and century did he say it in, Russ?......Les, like you, I'm not taking sides in this food-fight. But if I WERE to advise the Obama campaign, I would definitely tell them to keep this Biden fellow under wraps at least until after the election. He's just too erratic.


  3. The best show will be the one Biden/Ryan debate.I'm sure there are a few in the WH a bit nervous about that. All Ryan has to do is look in the camera and say....do you really want this guy a heartbeat away?

  4. If McCain had forgotten the state, the century, mocked the poor sign interpreter, and had referred to to Congressman Ryan as Governor Ryan, the left would have been saying that he was way demented. Not so much with Biden, though, huh?

  5. Biden's non-gaffe ideas happen to match his off the cuff gaffes... being destructive and poorly thought out.

    Helpful tip for Biden during the debate: call the moderator "sport" as you will surely forget his name. Hell, call Ryan this also. I doubt Biden will remember who he is debating.


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