Monday, October 29, 2012

A Quick Thought on Governor Romney

All politicians engage in what sociologist, Erving Goffman, referred to as impression management (the presentation of oneself in a manner, the goal of which is to influence the perceptions of others). But Mr. Romney has take it to a level the likes of which I've personally never seen before. The man has gone from a person who was once to the left of Teddy Kennedy on abortion and gay-rights to a person who is currently to the right of Rick Perry and Newt Gingrich on illegal immigration. It's absolutely stunning, this transformation...................................................................................And it's also exceedingly sad, this act of having to see somebody who so desperately wants to be President that he will literally say or be ANYTHING....I personally know a fair number of people (yes, myself included) who would probably vote for the Romney of 1994/2002 but who are just too turned off by this Kabuki dance and who are also confused as to to who the real Mitt Romney is to even consider pulling the trigger for him now. All I can say is that I hope that these new "friends" of his appreciate him. He's going to need 'em.


  1. .

    "...And it's also exceedingly sad, this act of having to see somebody who so desperately wants to be President that he will literally say or be ANYTHING....I personally know a fair number of people (yes, myself included) who would probably vote for the Romney of 1994/2002 but who are just too turned off by this Kabuki dance and who are also confused as to to who the real Mitt Romney is to even consider pulling the trigger for him now."

    And a sane person might ask, "Why would you even consider voting for 'somebody who so desperately wants to be President that he will literally say or be ANYTHING?'"

    Really. In the past, this alone would have people walking away from such a panderer.

    President Obama has slowly but painstakingly attempted to undo the damage caused by the RepublicanT party’s unwavering support of the last Republican president. President Obama has established a record that not even the most clever among the GOP can twist into something unproductive or untoward.

    Unemployment is down, the stock market is up, the confidence of voters that the country is back on the right track is undeniable, and our foreign allies once again respect our nation’s leadership. One won’t find people with pre-existing conditions decrying the ACA; one won’t find the previously unemployed complaining about having found a job; and one won’t find citizens with invested pension plans bitchin’ about the fact that the stock market has rebounded.

    So why is it, one cannot bring oneself to the conclusion that President Obama deserve a second term?

    Ema Nymton

  2. Ema: have you even been here before? Will doesn't even prefer Romney.

  3. IMO, Romney has been successful in
    building a broad support. The question, as you suggested, is given the inherent antagonisms within that support, which would he
    owe...and which would be disappointed?

  4. Ema, this is the second slowest recovery from an economic downturn in the history of the Republic and Mr. Obama has perfected the art of constituency politics to a degree that even FDR would have marveled at. I cannot in good conscience support this man, either.


  5. Poor Ema gets her talking points off the White House web site.Strange she fails to mention 23 milion americans either unemployed,under employed or have given up looking for work.47 million americans dependent on food stamps.16 trillion in debt and forcased for 20 trillion if Obama is reelected.....yep,the old community organizer has sure done a bang up job.

    And Will,have you ever changed you mind on anything? I know I have.Twenty years ago I was very much I'm just the opposite.I have no problem with a politician having changed positions....being flexable can be a blessing.

  6. .

    Poor Rusty must really hate USA. It must weally suck being Wusty. - Unemployment is down (FACT), the stock market is up (FACT), the confidence of voters that the country is back on the right track is undeniable (FACT), and our foreign allies once again respect our nation’s leadership (FACT).

    ...yep,the PRESIDENT has sure done a bang up job. Suck on it pal; suck on it.

    Ema Nymton

  7. Russ, I have no problem with people changing their positions on things (on abortion, for instance, I've gone from radically pro-choice to nominally pro-choice). But when they do it strictly for political expediency, as Kerry, McCain, and now Romney seem to have done, I find it a little less tolerable.

  8. Sorry, Ema darling, but the only reason that unemployment rate went down was because additional people have left the work-force. 114,000 new jobs (last month's figure) isn't even enough to keep pace with population growth. But, please, feel free to spin away here.

  9. Sorry, Ema, our most staunch ally does not respect Obama as he has been stiffing them a lot.

  10. By the way, Ema:

    Electoral college picture:

    201 Obama
    191 Romney

    11 toss-up states, including some that were solid blue a while back.

  11. .

    "Sorry, Ema darling, but the only reason that unemployment rate went down was because additional people have left the work-force. 114,000 new jobs (last month's figure) isn't even enough to keep pace with population growth. But, please, feel free to spin away here."

    The "_ONLY_?" reason??? (My gawd; how simple, simplistic, silly, and shallow can one be?) Must suck when the facts get in the way of your dreams of spinning failure for USA. Sorry to bust your bubble of denial - the economy of USA is improving and private sector employment IS growing (True FACTS; not Fox facts).


    Electoral College standing:

    Needed to win = 270

    O = 274 / R = 206

    Ema Nymton


  12. Ema drank the Kool Aid....Ema should try washing her meds down with it next time.

    Its comical how the Obamabots try to make custard out of mustard...if the community organizer's record is so good....why is'nt he running on it.And,poor deluded Ema again shows how liberals must stoop to name calling when their so called FACTS are just fantasy.

  13. Rusty, you got that right about Ema.

    Consider this statement.

    "President Obama has slowly but painstakingly attempted to undo the damage caused by the RepublicanT party’s unwavering support of the last Republican president."

    Most of the damage was done by the Dems and their housing policies. The wheels came off only at the end of the Bush administration when the Dems took over Congress. This was when deficit levels under Bush soared, and the collapse happened.

    RepubliCANT indeed:

    - can't vote for the corporate welfare handout to the auto industry

    - can't for for the TARP handout to the big banks.

    - can't vote to kick the economy off the cliff again by repealing the Bush middle-class tax cuts like Obama wants them to.

    - can't vote for mislabeled "jobs" bills that have nothing to do with jobs, but instead reek of political corruption.

  14. And another

    - Can't vote for the Stalinist trojan horse known as the "public option", and thus kicked one of the fangs off "Obamacare" and made it a lot less dangerous.

  15. Ema, huh? Any idiot can tell you that 114,000 jobs per month isn't enough to keep pace with America's population growth. And I hardly watch Fox News at all. So you're totally wrong on 2 counts.

  16. I suppose privatizing FEMA would
    add a lot of jobs....

  17. BB: Probably, As it would move to the private sector from the government, you'd be able to employ a lot more people for the same money.

  18. Probably what they thought when they hired private contractors in
    Iraq @ 5x$ per soldier replacement.
    But worth a try: 'Disasters R Us',
    emergency infant formula $55/pt..
    good places for a healthy markup.

  19. I do know that in this state, the privatized prisons and schools end up costing less.


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