Tuesday, October 9, 2012

A Little Bit of Love for the Loveless

I hate to say it but there's still a part of me that kinda likes Joe Biden. I mean, think about it for a second. Here's a politician who actually SAYS what he's thinking. Yes, it's exceedingly impolitic at times....and you know that Mr. Obama would probably like him to stuff it BUT AT LEAST YOU KNOW WHERE HE STANDS. That, at the very minimum, is refreshing (and, AND, he was right and Obama wrong on Afghanistan).


  1. He was very wrong on Afghanistan when he said that the terrorists there (who gave significant backing and support to the 9/11 attacks and have murdered thousands of innocent Americans since then) are not our enemy.

  2. Yeah, that was dumb but I think that he was right in his assertion that a counter-terrorism approach would have been better than Mr. Obama's messy surge proved to be.


  3. He was also dead wrong about dividing Iraq into three sections....how the hell did he ever get a rep as a foreign policy expert.

    Do you think a couple of the campaign guru's in Chicago are going to have a sleepless night in lieu of tomorrows debate?

  4. I hate to tell you, Russ, but Iraq has essentially been divied up already (side-effects from the civil way, ethnic cleansing, etc.).


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