Saturday, September 15, 2012

The Shrewdness/Luck of the Irish

Notre Dame is joining the ACC in all sports but football (and hockey). In exchange for this, Notre Dame has agreed to play at least 5 ACC teams in football each year AND they must play all 14 teams at least once every 3 years. It's a deal that probably benefits both parties but I still can't help but think that Notre Dame got the best of it..........................................................................................a) The conference is allowing Notre Dame an even bigger inroad into their recruiting territory. b) They've allowed the Fighting Irish to participate in the conference's bowl package (a move that could ultimately rob one of their full-time members a bowl). c) Notre Dame still gets to keep its exclusive television contract with NBC. And d) Notre Dame basketball gets a major shot in the arm (more, I'm saying, than ACC football does).............................................................................................I mean, yeah, the ACC can probably go back to ESPN and get a bigger contract and maybe, MAYBE, get into that same vicinity as the SEC, Big 12, and Big 10. And MAYBE Notre Dame will ultimately decide to join the conference as a full-time member...but, so, too, Linda Ronstadt and Stevie Nicks might get skinny again.


  1. Notre Dame always gets the best of everything......they've got Touchdown Jesus on their side.

  2. Guess that puts South Bend somewhere on the Atlantic coast?

  3. How 'bout Boise State and San Diego State going to the Big EAST? Somebody really needs to teach these folks geography.


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