Monday, September 3, 2012

The Anatomy of Intellectual Dishonesty

a) An inconsistent application of moral principles.......b) The playing with of language in order to win an argument.......c) Twisting/misrepresenting and/or omitting/cherry-picking evidence in an effort to buttress one's viewpoint.......d) No concessions, ever (a dogmatism that borders on paranoia) .......e) An extreme paucity of critical thinking.......f) A delusional belief that the other side is always wrong and that your side is always right.......g) A total lack of respect for the other side.......h) A penchant for hyperbole and imbecilic extrapolation (always inflammatory, never nuanced).......i) An incapacity/unwillingness to comprehend the limits of human understanding.......j) The discounting of evidence that a vast percentage of sane individuals would clearly accept (the National Journal's conservative and liberal ratings, for example).


  1. Yep.
    "Everyone is entitled to his own opinion, but not his own facts."
    -Daniel Patrick Moynihan
    “Fere libenter homines id quod volunt credunt. Men willingly believe what they wish.”
    -Julius Caesar
    and a fruitful area for further study .

  2. If the opinion is non-factual, I will only reluctantly begrudge them that.

  3. Patrick Moynihan? Now there was a fellow who was willing to work across the aisle. I liked him and I liked Howard Baker on the other side.


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