Monday, September 10, 2012

Spend a Little Time on This - Addendum

This is in no way meant as an exoneration of Bush. That dude spent like a typical politician, too. And the fact that a lot of the spending went to fighting wars that ultimately became far too expansive (de-Ba'athification, counter-insurgency, nation-building, long occupations, etc.) especially sticks in  my craw. But just because Bush was irresponsible doesn't mean that we have to give the current occupant of 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue a freebie....Or at least it doesn't in my book.


  1. I agree Will. But the water carriers give Obie a pass for most every action or lack thereof, whichever the case may be.

  2. And a nearly 4 trillion dollar budget is insufficient stimulus they say.

  3. And I have seen them call the Tea Party 'radical' for specifically wanting to reduce Obama's long-termed planned $20 trillion in new debt over a decade by a few trillion.

  4. Bowles-Simpson, Rivlin-Domenici, Gang of Six - I suspect that that's where we'll eventually land, after a lot more blood-letting first, of course.


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