Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Priorities Astray

President Obama gave a speech at the U.N. the other day and, instead of doing what literally every other President (himself included) has previously done and meet one on one with world leaders afterwards, the fellow immediately hopped on a plane and headed toward "The View".........................................................................................This story that was first reported the other day on CNN and no less a group of level-headed individuals than Anderson Cooper, Fareed Zakaria, and David Gergen (none of whom are particularly prone to go off on President Obama absent a sufficient reason) were all thoroughly flabbergasted. Gergen, in particular, was instructive (pointing out the importance of relationship-building, the building of trust, etc.). I mean, I know that the dude has to campaign and all BUT "THE VIEW"?! 


  1. Will,why does this surprise you? Hell,on 9-11 when there was a terrorist attack in Lybia killing our ambassador he left D.C. and flew to Las Vegas to attend a fund raiser.

  2. And ever since he has been lying about the situation, denying that the administration was warned.

  3. The "Dude" is definitely more concerned with developing his "star quality."

    Certain sources are reporting he is eying a slot on Dancing With the Stars and American Idol after his gig as Imposter In Chief comes to a close.

    Who would have thunk? ;-)

  4. You can add Nicholas Kristof and Piers Morgan to the list of people who are scratching their head on this one.......And the fact that CNN has found the diary in which the ambassador had written that he was quite concerned about inadequate security - this in fact could get very ugly (pending on corroborating memos, emails, etc.).


  5. The Mid-East is on the verge of blowing up,Israel is close to lighting the fuse,the worthless U.N. gives a forum to the raving lunatic from Iran and gives it to him on Yom Kippur,the holiest day of the Jewish year.While all this is happening Obama felt his most important duty was to plop his ass on a couch with Whoopie,Joy and the fat black chick.Priceless.

  6. I had one Obama supporter tell me to cut him some slack because the campaign is more important than doing his duties as President.

    I guess his Oath of Office was just a bunch of words, to be ignored if fulfilling his duties as President are inconvenient, require too much hard work, or get in the way of a campaign.

  7. I'm sure that other Presidents have probably done some similar things (Bush was hardly a 24/7 President, either) but, when you've got guys like Gergen and Zakaria on your ass, that has to inform you something.

  8. And according CNN's Fran Townsend and "Newsweek's" Eli Lake, it was nearly unanimous among the lower level state department officials that this whole Libya thing was clearly an act of terror. This whole Kabuki dance with Ambassador Rice, Press Secretary Carney, and now the President trying to downplay it as some sort of a "bump in the road' and/or a "spontaneous mob action" (a spontaneous act with heavy armament and on the anniversary of 9/11) is utterly inexcusable.

  9. Obama has been using this as an excuse to attack the First Amendment. Not that he liked it in the first place. His stance re "Citizens United" is that free speech is a privilege only granted by the ruling elites as long as the free speech does not criticize those in power.


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