Monday, September 24, 2012

On Tammy Bruce's Characterization of President Obama as a "Dumb, Jew-Hating, Racist Bastard Who Closely Resembles Urkel"

Really? REALLY?...I mean, don't get me wrong here. I'm as much of a free-speech proponent as anybody. And more politically incorrect, I could not be. But can we at least have a modicum of respect for the office at least?...Too much to ask?


  1. You're right Will...I'd disagree with the dumb part....that was totally out of line.

  2. Russ, I didn't like it when those clowns over at Sue's blog referred to Palin as a "worthless piece of excrement" and I don't particularly care for this, either.


  3. I think it might be caused by your issues with Ms.Bruce.

  4. I am in complete agreement... Show the Office of the Presidency the respect it deserves.

    The occupant of that office of course must earn respect based on performance and character.

    Given the polls, and the plethora of ObamaBots I'd say he has earned respect from a great share of those polled.

  5. Needless to say, I've soured on him, too, Les. But like President Reagan said, we have political opponents, not political enemies.

  6. "ObamaBots"??? Glad to know I don't have the faculties of Reason to make a decison for myself...oh yeah, I forgot I am one of the free loading 47% moochers...Seriously Les. I think I've met few folks on the Conservative side, who like Pavlov's dogs react solely based idealogical stimulis...Dude, its our civic duty to make a choice and maybe that choice is unpalatable but I'm voting based on my convictions and best instincts...PLEASE at lest give me that. I know you are doing the same.

  7. Marcus, By your reasoned response to my reference to ObamaBots you show you are not one.

    Unfortunately there does exist a fairly large number of people who are ignorant in the sense they do not know much if anything about the American political/governmental system of this country, and they do not care to learn. They merely vote for the guy or gal with a (D) behind their name without so much as a clue what their positions or record might be.

    And for the record, there are likely as many on the other "side" that the exact same thing can be said of.

    Voting your convictions Marcus is, at the end of the day, the proper and ethical thing to do. It is why Jihnson will get my vote.

  8. Les thamk you for your kind response... At least you are willing to make a reasoned response...If there were more folks like you, the country might move forward...BTW: I find Mr Johnson an interesting guy...I wish he would be given a larger voice in the main stream media but I know how things works...I think we both do...

  9. Excellent civility, gentlemen. If only those idiots down in Washington could somehow replicate it.


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