Friday, September 14, 2012

Note to Islamic Fundamentalists

Dudes....It's a film. That's all that the sucker is. It has absolutely nothing to do with the American government and the vast, VAST, percentage of the American people don't even know who this character is....But even if we did, and we subscribed to it, it's just a frigging opinion, you fools. You don't frigging kill people over a damned opinion. I mean, I know that you're all frigging thin-skinned when it comes to this type of pure bullshit and all but, come on, you really gotta stop with this killing people, O.K.?


  1. Read my prior posting.This shit has nothing to do with the U-Tube movie.Arab ass.

  2. Wait'll they see my movie. Rocky and Bullwinkle and Muhammad.

  3. Reminds of that time when a bunch of people chucked their humanity out the window and behaved like rabid pit bulls because someone in Europe dared to draw a cartoon.

  4. There is a more nuanced analysis on this subject which doesn't include the "It's All Obama's Fault" neurosis...The Arab world is used to Despotism...its all the people know. They have democracy but now need to learn about freedom.Freedom means that there are those who respect faith and others who engage in don't murder those with divergent views. How long this process takes is anybodys guess

  5. The psychology of the mob is clearly at work here. And it's sad because there are a lot of sane and reasonable Arabs over there who could probably calm things down but who don't simply because they're afraid to speak up.

  6. Will, your response to Marcus's comment is, as one not popular with the the left or reasonable right would say is... "Spot On."

  7. I guess that there were a fair number of Palestinians who initially wanted to work with and compromise with the Israelis but who ended up dead. It's a pretty damned tough neighborhood over there evidently.


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