Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Miscellaneous 141

1) Sean Hannity is all smug/"I told you so" on the Muslim Brotherhood now. But I really want to ask him here, "What, pray tell, did you want President Obama to do? Continue to back that douche-bag, Mubarek? Invalidate the damned elections?"...I mean, I know that he doesn't care for Obama and all but there are certain things that aren't the President's fault and many more that are well beyond his control. An occasional acknowledgement of this reality I seriously doubt would hamper him.............2) I really wish that the Reform Party had taken and that Ross Perot wasn't such a total crazy person (what a lunatic creates, a lunatic often destroys as well). I mean, think about it here. a) The system desperately needs reform (defense, entitlements, campaign finance, etc.) and b) a lot of individuals (many of them to the right of center on the economy but to the left of center on social issues and foreign policy) feel that the two major parties are highly corrupt/unacceptable (crony capitalism, gross special interests, etc.). Other frigging nations are able to accommodate multiple parties. We can't?............3) Romney's a crappy candidate. I get it, and I fully understand not wanting to vote for him. But, come on, people, don't you think that the vitriol has gotten a little out of hand? I mean, yes, the fellow put the dog on the roof of his car and all and that was a major duh. But it's not like he ever drove drunk and killed a woman like frigging Ted Kennedy did. A modicum of damned perspective, maybe?


  1. Sure Sean is smug. but Mubarek is FAR better than the maniac in charge of Egypt now, who slavers like a rabid feral boar about getting rid of the Jews, and whose government has promised a major human rights violation against some innocent free speech heroes.

  2. I see your point but propping up a guy like Mubarek when we're supposedly all about democracy would have been untenable. Now, if you're suggesting that we take away the $1.5 billion in aid to those miserable bastards, that I could definitely agree with.

    1. Yup, take away the aid. But, but, but, wouldn't that be inhumane?

      Remember the feely fuzzy libbies are now in charge.

  3. I could see if the money accomplished something. But we're just basically pouring resources down a rat hole and enabling corrosive governments. Yeah, enough already.

  4. This $1.5 billion is going to fund the new Final Solution by Egypt's terrorist brotherhood party. Zero this out.

  5. dmarks, that post that I did on the Reform party, please, feel free to add foreign aid reform to the list. It's obviously desperately needed.

  6. There have only ever been two Presidential candidates I was really gung-ho about. One was John Anderson. The other was H. Ross Perot during that phase of the campaign before he wigged out and quit.

  7. Well, I voted for both of those guys so I guess that we're pretty much in synch, huh?

  8. Well we are completely not in sync then. I didn't vote for Anderson. I only volunteered for his campaign. Why? I was too young.

    I suppose it would not make a difference now. A Federal court stood up for voter fraud in Texas, so if I were that young now, I could go down there and vote. A few times, even.


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