Saturday, September 8, 2012

Clarification on "Massholes"

I did not mean to imply from that post that I have disdain for EVERY Democrat or EVERY Republican. I didn't even mean it as a condemnation of every Democratic or Republican politician. My beef is strictly with those hard-core hero-worshipping idiots who show up every four years and eerily resemble all of those young girls in the Ed Sullivan audience freaking out to John, Paul, George, and Ringo. It's THAT that I'm condemning. And soundly.


  1. I condemn both major parties lack of candor. I have great disdain for their lack of integrity. They are philosophically and ethically bankrupt and will together lead us over the cliff.

  2. I'm not sure this post was necessary. I'm pretty sure those reading/commenting knew exactly what you meant.

    It's not like a situation you've had recently where someone would bash you for the earlier post and say some really silly things.

  3. The last guy (i.e., Presidential candidate) who really leveled with us, IMO, was Paul Tsongas (he actually went to FLORIDA and talked about means-testing Social Security) and he got leveled by the dudester from Arkansas.

  4. I've mentioned Tsongas in a quite favorable light here at least once myself. I don't recall you mentioning him. but you probably did.


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