Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Top Ten Most Unsavory Fox Folks (Bill O'Reilly Spared)

10) Mike Huckabee (his affability helps him).......9) Steve Doosy.......8) Tracy Byrnes.......7) Kimberly Guilfoyle.......6) Brian Kilmeade.......5) Eric Bolling.......4) Karl Rove.......3) Gretchen Carlson.......2) John Bolton.......1) Sean Hannity


  1. That Scientology lady with the marbles in her mouth who is after Hannity is the worst. Not sure if she is there anymore; I pretty much stopped watching Fox a lot years ago.

  2. Could it be Bill is really fair and balanced? He certainly doesn't carry water for the far right.


  3. Just what the hell is wrong with Kimberly Guilfoyle? You know she's the ex-wife of Gavin Newsome the former mayor of San Fran and present Lt.Gov to Jerry Brown.

  4. I can't believe Bob Beckel didn't make your list. The very definition of unsavory.

  5. I try to watch FoxNews at least once every five years...
    ...Huckabee has gained weight.

  6. Russ, I consider myself a pretty strong critic of the President. But I at least occasionally come up for air. Ms. Guilfoyle is just a little bit too relentless for my taste.


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