Thursday, August 9, 2012

Score Thus Far - Pinocchios 2 Geppettos 0

Seriously, though, disgusted yet?


  1. Distractions work apparently. The left is winning the distraction battle.

    Yawning more each day. As we approach the cliff.

  2. Maybe it's back-firing, Les. I haven't met a single person who thinks that that Obama super-pac ad was even remotely fair (not that the Romney super-pacs are all that great, either, mind you).

  3. The ads put out by the Obama super PAC are completely fair. I don't know how any rational thinking person could view them as anything but.

  4. It got 4 Pinocchios and if the scale had gone up to 10 it would have gotten 10.............Russ, I rate this as the 3rd worst ad in the history modern Presidential elections; right after the Willie Horton (1988) and Daisy (1964) ads.

  5. Burton went on Anderson Cooper last night and Mr. Cooper actually laughed at him. Laughed at him!

  6. "Mr. Cooper actually laughed at him. Laughed at him!"

    Guess that makes him a right-wing plutocrat.

  7. OMG....are you telling me Anderson Cooper is a gay plutocrat?

  8. Burton is a well known liar.They were running in circles trying to cover their ass on this one.

  9. Will,the difference between this and the Lee Atwater Horton ad or the anti Goldwater one is this ad is just an outright lie and then more lies to cover it.

  10. What "lie"? The Obama ads are completely truthful. If you want lies you need to look at Romney's ads. The Romney people should be ashamed and embarrassed.

  11. WD,stop the gibberish....your mommy's calling you,she wants you to feed the dog and then clean your room....she also said for to to finally take a shower and be sure to use your acne medication.

  12. wd , you're a real hoot. Maybr it's time for you to get out f mamma's cellar though.

  13. That ad was so bad that not even MSNBC is defending it.

  14. There was no lie. We know this for a fact because when I asked what it was -- not one person could tell me. All they could do was fling the ad hominems.

    1. wd, since you believe Obie won some Shit's ads are honest I have a bridge you may be interested in.

  15. No ad hominems WD....its just that no one wants to waste their time commenting on your continued idiocy....your schtick is growing both old and lame.

    Now,is'nt that mumsey calling you?

  16. a) Romney ceased day to day oversight of Bain in 1999. b) The plant was closed down in 2001. c) The plant would have actually been closed down years earlier if it hadn't have been for Bain trying to salvage it. d) The man's wife DID NOT lose her primary insurance because of Bain. Her primary insurance was with HER job. e) her cancer diagnosis occurred in 2006, 7 years after Romney left Bain.............The Washington Post gave this ad 4 Pinocchios and CNN also eviscerated it. Hell, wd, even Mr. Burton is now saying (i.e., lying) that the ad isn't blaming Romney for the woman's death. Once again, dude you represent an island.

  17. With the fact check sites and even many left-wing media outlets lining up against this ad, WD hasn't a leg to stand on. Not that he needs to stand much, living in Mom's crawlspace. But it seems he tries anyway: evidence appears that he has bonked his head way too many times.

    And the island he represents, Will? Gilligan's for sure.

  18. [a-b] so what. [c] that's very debatable. In any case, Bain made millions while loading the company up with debt. I say they are responsible for it going under. I don't care about a "what if". [d] so it wasn't primary? so what? [e] and it could have been caught years earlier if she used her husband's insurance to get a checkup. [f] no, the ad isn't saying he's directly responsible. Burton is not lying. I see nothing wrong with presenting the facts and allowing people to draw their own conclusions. I say there are no lies in the ad. I also say Romney bears some responsibilty for this woman's death.

    1. Which is what we all did. You wd simply drew the wrong one. As is normal for you.

      I think I hear you going Bump, Bump, Bump again wd.

  19. The facts aren't with you on this one, wd. a-b) The dude wasn't even there when it went under. c) It isn't debatable. The plant was on the verge of bankruptcy and Bain actually kept it afloat for a while. And d) SHE DIDN'T LOSE HER INSURANCE. HER INSURANCE WAS WITH HER JOB.............And what's your evidence that Bain loaded the company up with debt (somebody fed you that line, huh?)? The frigging company was already loaded up with debt (that's why frigging Bain got involved) and Bain tried to make it leaner.

  20. Remember when WD said that Romney's Bain had outsourced more than Immelt had? And I asked him by how much, and he got all flustered and admitted he lied about it?

    Expect the same thing here re: Bain.

    The fact checkers and even the major left-wing media have left Gilligan all alone on his island.

  21. dmarks: Remember when WD said that Romney's Bain had outsourced more than Immelt had? And I asked him by how much, and he got all flustered and admitted he lied about it?

    How can someone "remember" something that never happened?

    Will: a-b) The dude wasn't even there when it went under.

    Bain was his company! And he WAS there when they loaded it up with debt and he profited from it. The plant was taken over by Bain in 1993.

    The Washington Post: "Bain's initial investment in Soptic's steel company was made under the leadership of Romney... The company took on hundreds of millions of dollars in debt while paying Bain investors millions in dividends".

    Will: c) It isn't debatable. The plant was on the verge of bankruptcy and Bain actually kept it afloat for a while.

    If true this would only make it worse. Why keep a doomed company afloat? Maybe so they could load it up with debt and make a lot of money at the expense of others? I call it legalized thievery.


    HER HUSBAND LOST HIS INSURANCE, which she could have used!

    Will: And what's your evidence that Bain loaded the company up with debt (somebody fed you that line, huh?)

    The fact that they loaded it up with debt. Nobody "fed" me anything. I made an observation based on the facts.

    Will: The frigging company was already loaded up with debt (that's why frigging Bain got involved) and Bain tried to make it leaner.

    They loaded it up with more debt. And making a company "leaner" also includes getting rid of debt, not just firing people.

  22. a) He wasn't there when it went under. 2 years had passed. b) It would have been better for those people to lose their jobs earlier (when they could have saved their money and/or went to school to better themselves) than later? Really? That's kind of moronic. c) Bain was trying to save the company. They have a 75-80% success rate (which is a hell of a lot better than your success rate in terms of making cogent points). They didn't succeed here. What, they should have called you instead? d) She didn't need his insurance. She had her own insurance. And it's fucking Romney's fault that this dude couldn't find a decent job for 5 fucking years to provide for his family? How 'bout putting a little bit of the onus on him, for Christ?

  23. What we have here is another ugly display of Will's worship of the wealthy. Notice how he turned it around and blamed the guy for his own wife's death! Instead of the vulture capitalist who profited greatly by loading the company up with debt while the workers suffered. Like I've said previously... this worship of the wealthy is really a sickness.

    A) Romney was in charge when the company was purchased and loaded up with debt. It does not matter if it took until after he "retroactively retired" for it to fail. B) It would have been better if Bain hadn't loaded the company up with debt. Perhaps they could have obtained help from individuals whose primary goal wasn't just to enrich themselves. C) No they weren't. If they were they wouldn't have loaded the company up with debt. D) She LOST her insurance, and would have been able to use her husbands if not for Romney loading the company up with debt. E) He wouldn't be out of work if Romney hadn't destroyed his job by loading his company up with debt! And we're in a recession with over 8 percent unemployment, if you hadn't heard. He took the only job he could find... and it didn't offer insurance.


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