Saturday, August 25, 2012

On Why I've Soured on Obama

1) An impression that he's talking down to me and the American people.............2) His penchant (like his predecessor) for crony capitalism.............3) His penchant (like his predecessor) for blowing shit up.............4) His pitting of various groups against one another ("their fair share", etc.).............5) His failure to live up regarding transparency (those off-site meetings with lobbyists, etc.).............6) An impression that he's becoming increasingly small and petty (his bringing up of that stupid-assed dog on the roof incident, for example).............7) His penchant to constantly blame others (yes, some of it is legitimate but all of it?).............8) The fact that he's an absolute and utter Keynesian.............9) The manner that inserts himself when he probably shouldn't (Professor Gates, Trayvon Martin, etc.).............10) His ears are WAY too frigging large.


  1. "5) His failure to live up regarding transparency (those off-site meetings with lobbyists, etc.)"

    For quickly, easily, and willfully breaking his promises of no lobbyists and to veto earmarks, he shows he is a lousy President. The ease to which he broke these excellent promises gives evidence that he lied in promising them in the first place, and never intended to deliver.

  2. dmarks: For quickly, easily, and willfully breaking his promises of no lobbyists and to veto earmarks, he shows he is a lousy President...

    bush did the same and Romney will do the same. Obama shows he is a normal president in this regard. Presidents never keep all their campaign promises. Also, it is a good thing Obama didn't keep his promise to veto all legislation regarding earmarks. Earmarks are simply a way to direct spending to specific projects. Whether or not the spending is wasteful should be determined on a case by case basis. Eliminating all earmarks would be incredibly stupid.

    Will: An impression that he's talking down to me and the American people.

    I don't have this impression in the least. In fact, I have the opposite impression.

    Will: His penchant (like his predecessor) for crony capitalism

    The crony capitalism of bush was MUCH MUCH worse. The Afghanistan and Iraq wars were primiarly used as a method by which to funnel hundreds of billions of taxpayer money to bush's cronies. These two wars amount to one of the largests heists in all of human history.

    Will: His pitting of various groups against one another ("their fair share", etc.).

    False. He does not do this. He's fighting back against the class war being waged against us by the wealthy and Republicans.

    Will: An impression that he's becoming increasingly small and petty (his bringing up of that stupid-assed dog on the roof incident, for example)...

    False. Bringing up troubling incidents from Mitt's past is't small or petty. It goes to character.

    Will: His penchant to constantly blame others...

    False. Assigning blame is important. We don't want to re-elect people peddling the same ideas that got us into this mess.

    Will: The fact that he's an absolute and utter Keynesian.

    No, he's not enough of a Keynesian.

    Will: The manner that inserts himself when he probably shouldn't (Professor Gates, Trayvon Martin, etc.).

    He should. Why not.

    Will: His ears are WAY too frigging large.

    I'll assume you're joking, otherwise this comment is petty and small.


    You have a valid or somewhat valid point: 2, 3, 5.

    You are completely wrong: 1, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10.

    3 right and 7 wrong... That's 30 percent, or an "F" grade.

  3. I really don't care what you think, wd. These are my impressions and opinions and you are certainly free to have differing ones.......GE, Goldman Sachs, Fannie and Freddie, the insurance and pharmaceutical companies, big energy, big tech, big concrete, Philip Morris - ALL of these corporations have done exceedingly well under this President. And this Afghanistan War that you so seemingly hate has actually been expanded (and lauded even) under Mr. Obama, as have the drone attacks in Afghanistan (THEY'VE SEXTUPLED with massive civilian casualties).

  4. And Obama doesn't even have his facts straight. a) The top 1%'s share of the total AGI actually WENT DOWN after the crash. b) The top 1%'s share of the total income tax burden is more than twice their share of the total income (how would you like living in an arrangement in which you were making 17% of the income but had to pay 37% of the bills AND you had some douche/idiot saying that you weren't paying your "fair-share"). c) More than half of the people in the top 1% in any given year are fully out of it in less than a decade! The fact that people like you and Obama think that these are somehow fixed categories and that people are forever stranded in them is just plain dumb.......And show me just one instance of Keynesian economics ever working. It didn't work for Hoover and FDR. It didn't work for the Japanese in the 1990s. And it hasn't worked for Bush and Obama in this century.


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