Saturday, August 11, 2012

On the Presidential Campaign So Far

With guys like Rove and Burton influencing the narrative, I might just never come out of the shower.


  1. Or perhaps like Bobby Ewing, you an come out of the shower and reset matters to 1999. Then we can have a do-over.

  2. Its got to the point where I'm not paying's gotten very sad....very sad.

  3. dmarks: Or perhaps like Bobby Ewing, you an come out of the shower and reset matters to 1999. Then we can have a do-over.

    Perhaps bush stealing the election could be prevented? Then no 9-11, no illegal wars, and no financial collapse... if only the Supreme Court had not anointed bush and ruled for the real winner: Al Gore.

  4. Al Gore would have prevented 9/11? Kind of like FDR prevented Pearl Harbor?


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